Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Organization: Iso-Saurs, Savage Land

Class: Blastericon Blaster
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01  5
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Initiative: 0
Takes 1 action every round.

First Marvel: Avengers Alliance Appearance: Special Operations - Savage Lands: Mission 1 - Saurian Supremacy
First Comic Appearance: None
Story Appearances
Season 1: None
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Mission 3
Special Operations Appearances
Missions: Spec Ops 21 - Mission 1, Spec Ops 21 - Mission 2, Spec Ops 21 - Mission 3
Other Appearances
Daily Missions: Free For All - All Heroes (3), Teamwork - Avengers (3)
Simulator: None


Action Type Target # of Hits Cooldown Effects
Wide Spread Gun Ranged All Enemies 1 2 rounds Special Properties
Guaranteed Crit - This attack will crit if possibleGuaranteed Crit - This attack will crit if possible
 Guaranteed Crit
Deadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hitsDeadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hits
 Deadly Crits
All Enemies
Remove Buff - Removes a single beneficial status effect from the targetRemove Buff - Removes a single beneficial status effect from the target
 Remove Buff
Controlled Shot Gun Ranged One Enemy 1 n/a Special Properties
Catastrophic - Can't be Protected against; Ignores most Avoidance effects; Guaranteed to hitCatastrophic - Can't be Protected against; Ignores most Avoidance effects; Guaranteed to hit
One Enemy
Remove Buffs - Removes beneficial status effects from the targetRemove Buffs - Removes beneficial status effects from the target
 Remove Buffs
Suprise Attack
(default counter / follow-up)
Melee One Enemy 1 n/a Special Properties
Stealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilitiesStealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities
One Enemy
Tenderized (4 turns) - Takes increased damage from Slashing attacksTenderized (4 turns) - Takes increased damage from Slashing attacks
Evolved Instinct - Increased Attack; Increased EvasionEvolved Instinct - Increased Attack; Increased Evasion
 Evolved Instinct
Hauk'ka Gadget Debuff Ranged All Enemies 1 2 rounds Special Properties
Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects
All Enemies
Reduced Potential (2 rounds) - Prevented from using a random set of ability types.Reduced Potential (2 rounds) - Prevented from using a random set of ability types.
 Reduced Potential (30% chance)
Hauk'ka Healing Gadget Heal Ranged Self n/a 2 rounds Self
Restores health.
