Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 018
  Focal Point
Debuff 1 round
 Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and crit
Related / Similar Effects:
Targeted (1 turn) - Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and critTargeted (1 turn) - Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and crit
Weak Point (2 turns) - The next attack against this target is guaranteed to hit and critWeak Point (2 turns) - The next attack against this target is guaranteed to hit and crit
 Weak Point
This Effect is a part of:
Hero-Only Effects
Focal Point
1 round
Effect BG 1 RedFocal Point
 Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and crit


Name Ability
Knight America Icon 1
Land of Opportunity - Chance to Interrupt incoming enemy attacks, applying Focal Point to the enemy; Counters Focal Point debuffed enemies with Rolling Riposte (Desperation Attack, Act of Valor, Concentrated Efforts)Land of Opportunity - Chance to Interrupt incoming enemy attacks, applying Focal Point to the enemy; Counters Focal Point debuffed enemies with Rolling Riposte (Desperation Attack, Act of Valor, Concentrated Efforts)
 Land of Opportunity
Knight America-Shield of Freedom Shield of Freedom
