Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 010
  Forced Refresh
Debuff 1 turn
 Can only Recharge
 Counts as Stun for actions that affect those targets
Related / Similar Effects:
Hippocratic Oath (1 Round) - Cannot use any action this round except Recharge; Has a chance to be removed when attacking FaizaHippocratic Oath (1 Round) - Cannot use any action this round except Recharge; Has a chance to be removed when attacking Faiza
 Hippocratic Oath
Unpossessed (1 turn) - Suffering the effects of Possession; Cannot use any action besides Recharge; Boss actions cannot be lockedUnpossessed (1 turn) - Suffering the effects of Possession; Cannot use any action besides Recharge; Boss actions cannot be locked
Forced Refresh
1 turn
Effect BG 1 RedForced Refresh
 Can only Recharge
 Counts as Stun for actions that affect those targets


Name Action
Deadpool Icon 1
Laptop - Checking the net while waiting for my turnLaptop - Checking the net while waiting for my turn
Buggy - Did the devs even test this?!Buggy - Did the devs even test this?!
Fixer Icon 1
Cyberwarfare Suite - Chance to hack enemy systems, applying Hacked; Chance increases against Technology attacks or Robotic foesCyberwarfare Suite - Chance to hack enemy systems, applying Hacked; Chance increases against Technology attacks or Robotic foes
 Cyberwarfare Suite
Hacked - Introduced bugs into the system; Will eventually be forced to use RechargeHacked - Introduced bugs into the system; Will eventually be forced to use Recharge


Name Action
Deadpool Icon
Laptop - Checking the net while waiting for my turnLaptop - Checking the net while waiting for my turn
Buggy - Did the devs even test this?!Buggy - Did the devs even test this?!


  • Can also use Distress Calls, Supplies, or Combat Store.

Patch Notes[]

November 21, 2014 Patch Notes

  • Undocumented Change
    • Changed effect description
      • From: • Can only rest. Counts as stunned.
      • To: • Can only Recharge; • Counts as Stun for actions that affect those targets
