Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 BlueEffect Icon 089
  Healing Factor Thingie
Passive Attack Buff
 Grants regeneration each time Deadpool is hit
 Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% instead
 Better than Wolverine!
Related / Similar Effects:
Green Numbers! (2 rounds) - Mmm that feel good.Green Numbers! (2 rounds) - Mmm that feel good.
 Green Numbers!
Healing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% insteadHealing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% instead
 Healing Factor
Healing Factor -Healing Factor -
 Healing Factor
Healing Factor Thingie
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 3 BlueHealing Factor Thingie
 Grants regeneration each time Deadpool is hit
 Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have a chance to reduce health to 1% instead
 Better than Wolverine!


  • Attacks that would reduce health to 0 have 50% chance to reduce health to 1% instead.
  • Procs once per round.
  • When attack in X hits will gain X stacks of
    Green Numbers! (2 rounds) - Mmm that feel good.Green Numbers! (2 rounds) - Mmm that feel good.
     Green Numbers!.


Name Ability
Deadpool Icon 1Deadpool Icon 2


Name Ability
Deadpool Icon
