The Hellfire Club is a fictional rich socialite or gentlemen's club created by Marvel Comics in 1980 that often comes into confrontation with the mutant superhero team, the X-Men. It was inspired by real clubs that were formed among the British upper class in the 18th century. Although the Club appears to merely be an international social club for wealthy elites, its clandestine Inner Circle seeks to influence world events to their own agenda.
It first started off as a non-mutant club that hated mutants and had plans to destroy them, however two mutants Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw were accepted into the Hellfire Club and hid their abilities from the Club. Later, Shaw and Frost got together and overthrew the original Inner Circle appointing themselves as Black King and White Queen.
In-Game Members[]
Former member |
Former member |
White King, Former member |
White Queen |
Former member |
Former member |
Former member |
Former member |
Former member |
Angel Former member |
Captain Britain Former member |
Daimon Hellstrom White King, Former member |
Emma Frost White Queen |
Green Goblin |
Iron Man Former member |
Magneto Former member |
Mystique Black Bishop |
Phoenix Former member |
Selene Black Queen |
Sebastian Shaw Black King |
Hellfire Club Soldiers[]
Hellfire Elite |
Hellfire Gunner |
Hellfire Heavy | |
Hellfire Elite |
Hellfire Hunter |
Hellfire Sniper | |
Hellfire Elite |
Hellfire Commander |
Hellfire Officer |
Involved Characters[]
Bullseye Hired by Green Goblin |
Hired by Green Goblin, Former member |
Crimson Dynamo Hired by Mystique |
Dragoness Hired by Green Goblin |
Living Pharaoh |
Living Monolith |
Brotherhood of Mutants[]
Avalanche Hired by Mystique |
Blob Hired by Mystique |
Hired by Mystique, Former member |
Sabretooth Hired by Mystique |
Toad Hired by Mystique |
Team-Up Bonuses[]
Hellfire | Former or current Hellfire Club members |
Hellfire Club-Related[]
Name | Name | Name |
Game Piece | Hellfire Elite | Hellfire Soldier |
Icon | Name | Icon | Name |
BP-1 Headhunter | Lightning Rod | ||
Mindbreaker | Mindkiller | ||
Skullripper | Skullsplitter | ||
The Bishop | The Knight | ||
The Pawn | The Rook |
Icon | Name |
Hellfire Club Mask |
External Links[]
- The Hellfire Club on Wikipedia
- The Hellfire Club at Marvel Wikia
- The Hellfire Club at the Marvel Universe wiki