Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Beast Icon 1 Beast Articles and Topics:
This article is about the playable hero. For the Enemy version, see Pestilence and Beast.

This is an Alternate Uniform
Infiltratoricon Tacticianicon  Horseman of Pestilence
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   6438
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   7868
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   1431
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   1574
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   1288
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   1574
Cost and Requirements:
  • Modern Beast
  • Infiltratoricon Infiltrator - 60 Command point icon (February 7, 2014 - March 17, 2014, October 17, 2014 - October 24, 2014, June 25, 2015 - June 29, 2015, February 12, 2016 - February 16, 2016)
  • Infiltrator Combo (Modern Beast and Horseman of Pestilence) - 60 Gold icon (June 25, 2015 - June 29, 2015); 45 Gold icon (February 12, 2016 - February 16, 2016)
  • 25 Gold icon (February 12, 2016 - February 16, 2016)
  • Tacticianicon Tactician - 60 Command point icon (February 7, 2014 - March 17, 2014, October 17, 2014 - October 24, 2014, June 25, 2015 - June 29, 2015, February 12, 2016 - February 16, 2016)
  • Tactician Combo (Modern Beast and Horseman of Pestilence) - 60 Gold icon (June 25, 2015 - June 29, 2015); 45 Gold icon (February 12, 2016 - February 16, 2016)
  • 25 Gold icon (February 12, 2016 - February 16, 2016)
Gender: Agent Male Gender Male
Carries Metal? No

Avengers Avengers, Brotherhood of Mutants, The Defenders, Horsemen of Apocalypse, Illuminati, Xmen Logo X-Men

The name "Beast" may describe Dr. Hank McCoy's bestial exterior, but a man of rare wit lies behind the fur. For the times when his genius intellect isn't enough, Beast relies on his enhanced senses, superb agility, and unflagging courage.
Beast-The Jungle Heart of Darkness Beast-War and Peace At the Mountain of Madness Level 2
Stamina Cost: 16% Stamina Cost: 9%
Target: One Enemy Target: All Enemies
Total Damage: 847 - 1100 Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: (Starts cooled down) 3 Rounds
# of Hits: 1 # of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 82% / 7% Hit/Critical: 100%
Type: Unarmed Melee Type: Debuff

Special Properties

Stealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilitiesStealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities

One Enemy

Generalized (2 turns) - Removes effects from Class bonuses; Prevents this character from gaining Class benefitsGeneralized (2 turns) - Removes effects from Class bonuses; Prevents this character from gaining Class benefits
 Generalized (2 rounds)
Nanoplague (2 rounds) - Deals damage every turn; Prevents most beneficial statuses; Removed by resting or healingNanoplague (2 rounds) - Deals damage every turn; Prevents most beneficial statuses; Removed by resting or healing
 Nanoplague (2 rounds)(60% chance)

Special Properties

Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects

One Enemy

Mind Control (2 rounds) - 50% chance to protect enemies from allies' attacks; Removed after triggering; Psychic effectMind Control (2 rounds) - 50% chance to protect enemies from allies' attacks; Removed after triggering; Psychic effect
 Mind Control (2 rounds)
Fumbling (1 round) - Single-target attacks provoke a counter-attackFumbling (1 round) - Single-target attacks provoke a counter-attack
 Fumbling (1 round)
Beast-The Grapes of Wrath Masque of the Red Death Level 6 Beast-A Farewell to Arms Jekyll and Hyde Level 9
Stamina Cost: 18% Stamina Cost: 25%
Target: All Enemies Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a Total Damage: 1028 - 1232
Cooldown: 3 Rounds Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: n/a # of Hits: 4
Hit/Critical: n/a Hit/Critical: 79% / 6%
Type: Debuff Type: Unarmed Slashing Melee

Special Properties

Quick Action - Grants an immediate free turn after using; Does not trigger follow-up attacksQuick Action - Grants an immediate free turn after using; Does not trigger follow-up attacks
 Quick Action
Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects

All Enemies

Iso-8 Contagion: 3 (1 turn) - Counting down until the contagion morphs; Attacking another target will pass the contagion to that targetIso-8 Contagion: 3 (1 turn) - Counting down until the contagion morphs; Attacking another target will pass the contagion to that target
 Iso-8 Contagion: 3 (expires next turn)

Special Properties

Exploit Attrition - Deals increased damage against targets with Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, Dark Void, Iso-8 Corruption, Poisoned, or Radiation Exposure.Exploit Attrition - Deals increased damage against targets with Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, Dark Void, Iso-8 Corruption, Poisoned, or Radiation Exposure.
 Exploit Attrition
Exploits Protection - Deals extra damage against targets that are ProtectingExploits Protection - Deals extra damage against targets that are Protecting
 Exploits Protection

One Enemy

Off-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effectsOff-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effects
 Off-balance (1 round)
Cornered (1 round) - Removes and prevents Protect effects (4 Cosmic Energy)Cornered (1 round) - Removes and prevents Protect effects (4 Cosmic Energy)
 Cornered (1 round)

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Beast Horseman of Pestilence Unlocked When Apocalypse begins his genocidal conquest, he recruits mutants to serve as his "Four Horsemen". Brainwashed and twisted to serve his interests, they are granted even greater power than they had before.