Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 GreenEffect Icon 025
Buff 2 rounds
 Avoids all attacks except Magic and Psychic attacks
 Next attack deals more damage
 Removed after performing an attack
 Cannot protect while Intangible
Related / Similar Effects:
Phased - Avoids all attacks except magic and psychic attacks; Increased damage on next attack; Removed after attacking; Cannot protect alliesPhased - Avoids all attacks except magic and psychic attacks; Increased damage on next attack; Removed after attacking; Cannot protect allies
Tangible - Cannot gain Astral Form, Ethereal, Intangible, or PhasedTangible - Cannot gain Astral Form, Ethereal, Intangible, or Phased
2 rounds
Effect BG 1 GreenIntangible
 Avoids all attacks except Magic and Psychic attacks
 Next attack deals more damage
 Removed after performing an attack
 Cannot protect while Intangible


  • Adds Tangible after performing an offensive action.
  • Increases the damage of the next attack by 50% if it's not a summon, counter, follow-up or preemptive attack. Otherwise increases the damage by 20%.
  • Phased Disruption & Summon Attacks won't cause Tangible.
  • Does not stack with or may be cancelled by Astral Form or Phased.

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
Empowered Iso-8 007 Inceptive Intangibility Empowered Iso-8
Inceptive Intangibility - Starts Combat with EtherealInceptive Intangibility - Starts Combat with Ethereal
 Inceptive Intangibility
Ethereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while IntangibleEthereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while Intangible


Icon Name
Bel Nemeton Bel Nemeton
Ethereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while IntangibleEthereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while Intangible
Blink Boots Blink Boots
Chorea Gigantum Chorea Gigantum
Ethereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while IntangibleEthereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while Intangible
Force of Life Blade Force of Life Blade
Overwhelming Light - Chance to counter single-target attacks with the Force of Life Blade.; Start combat with Intangible and apply Intangible to Agent on use.; Successful hits cause the Agent to remove debuffs and increase attack.Overwhelming Light - Chance to counter single-target attacks with the Force of Life Blade.; Start combat with Intangible and apply Intangible to Agent on use.; Successful hits cause the Agent to remove debuffs and increase attack.
 Overwhelming Light
Glas Tann Glas Tann
Ethereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while IntangibleEthereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while Intangible
Sinister Scepter Sinister Scepter
Witch Hammer Witch Hammer


Icon Name
Marshmallow Ghosts Marshmallow Ghosts
Ethereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while IntangibleEthereal (1 round) - Chance to become Intangible when an enemy attacks; Heals a small amount of damage while Intangible; Removed after attacking while Intangible


  • Despite the term, which in the sense means 'cannot be detected with the senses, the intangible unit can still be seen. This makes the term a misnomer.
