Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 2 RedEffect Icon 127
 Interrupts the current action
Related / Similar Effects:
Complex Maneuver - Has a chance to make your next action unable to be interruptedComplex Maneuver - Has a chance to make your next action unable to be interrupted
 Complex Maneuver
Hyper-Speed - Attacks cannot be interrupted; Takes 2 actions every round; Increased chance to take the first turnHyper-Speed - Attacks cannot be interrupted; Takes 2 actions every round; Increased chance to take the first turn
We Have a Hulk - Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers' attacks cannot be interrupted as long as Hulk is presentWe Have a Hulk - Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers' attacks cannot be interrupted as long as Hulk is present
 We Have a Hulk
Rune of Fear - 20% chance for attacks to fail and cower in fear, only occurring once per round; Reduces the damage of attacks; This character's buffs are removed when this Rune explodes; Counts as a Fear effectRune of Fear - 20% chance for attacks to fail and cower in fear, only occurring once per round; Reduces the damage of attacks; This character's buffs are removed when this Rune explodes; Counts as a Fear effect
 Rune of Fear
Smitten (1 round) - 20% chance to cower and fail an attack; Counter-attacks allies who are CharmedSmitten (1 round) - 20% chance to cower and fail an attack; Counter-attacks allies who are Charmed
Cower - 20% Chance for attacks to fail and cower in fear; Can only occur once per roundCower - 20% Chance for attacks to fail and cower in fear; Can only occur once per round
Tangled Web - Applies Immobilized and Hobbled; A third application of Webbed becomes Binding WebTangled Web - Applies Immobilized and Hobbled; A third application of Webbed becomes Binding Web
 Tangled Web
Weightlessness - Attacks have a 50% chance to fail; Does not affect fliersWeightlessness - Attacks have a 50% chance to fail; Does not affect fliers
Effect BG 2 RedInterrupted
 Interrupts the current action


Icon Name
Uniform Scrapper 9 MaleUniform Scrapper 9 Female Scrapper's Safeguard Suit
Scrapper Safeguard (1 round) - Chance to prevent and counter enemy counter-attacks and follow-up attacks; Next attack applies Wide OpenScrapper Safeguard (1 round) - Chance to prevent and counter enemy counter-attacks and follow-up attacks; Next attack applies Wide Open
 Scrapper Safeguard


Icon Name
Dark Energy Blade Dark Energy Blade
Power of Dark Energy Gain Dominate the Weak and Deflect - Interrupts ranged and buff or debuff actionsPower of Dark Energy Gain Dominate the Weak and Deflect - Interrupts ranged and buff or debuff actions
 Power of Dark Energy
Hammer Pistol Hammer Pistol
Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Character has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Character has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.
 Combo Breaker
(When another piece of Maggia Set is equipped)
Metaphysical Rifle Metaphysical Rifle
Psychic Prowess - With another piece of the Psychic Force Set equipped, counter enemies making offensive actions against their allies and follow-up on Weak Minded enemies; With entire Psychic Force Set equipped gain a high chance to interrupt Weak Minded enemiesPsychic Prowess - With another piece of the Psychic Force Set equipped, counter enemies making offensive actions against their allies and follow-up on Weak Minded enemies; With entire Psychic Force Set equipped gain a high chance to interrupt Weak Minded enemies
 Psychic Prowess
Raft Shank Raft Shank
Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Character has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Character has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.
 Combo Breaker

Augmented Isotope-8[]

Icon Name Action
A-Iso Yellow 043 Surprising Attack Augmented Iso-8
Surprise Attack - Over the Top Interrupts defensive abilitiesSurprise Attack - Over the Top Interrupts defensive abilities
 Surprise Attack
Union Jack-Over the Top Over the Top

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
Empowered Iso-8 047 Fast Acting E-Iso-8
Fast Acting - Chance to Interrupt and Counter Melee attacksFast Acting - Chance to Interrupt and Counter Melee attacks
 Fast Acting
(Agent Agent only)
Empowered Iso-8 046 Hawkeye's Heroics Empowered Iso-8
Hawkeye's Heroics - Chance to Interrupt and Counter Range attacksHawkeye's Heroics - Chance to Interrupt and Counter Range attacks
 Hawkeye's Heroics
(Agent Agent only)
Empowered Iso-8 005 Objecting Empowered Iso-8
(She-Hulk She-Hulk only)
Cross-Examination - Chance to prevent enemy attacksCross-Examination - Chance to prevent enemy attacks
Empowered Iso-8 011 Overloading Iso-8
(Iron Man Iron Man only)
Overloading - Chance to prevent and counter enemy Tech attacks.Overloading - Chance to prevent and counter enemy Tech attacks.
Empowered Iso-8 022 Tricky E-Iso-8
(Loki Loki only)
Blue Deck - When an enemy attempts to perform a Magic action, Loki has a chance to prevent and counter that actionBlue Deck - When an enemy attempts to perform a Magic action, Loki has a chance to prevent and counter that action
 Blue Deck


Name Ability
Black Bolt Icon 1
Gale Force - Shield effect absorbs incoming damage; Chance to interrupt incoming attacks; Applies Winded to attackersGale Force - Shield effect absorbs incoming damage; Chance to interrupt incoming attacks; Applies Winded to attackers
 Gale Force
Boomerang Icon 1
Measured Throws (Expires next round) - Boomerangs no longer have a chance to return; Chance to pre-emptively Interrupt attacks during the next roundMeasured Throws (Expires next round) - Boomerangs no longer have a chance to return; Chance to pre-emptively Interrupt attacks during the next round
 Measured Throws
Colleen Wing Icon 1
Samurai Spirit - Chance to interrupt incoming enemy attacks and counter-attacksSamurai Spirit - Chance to interrupt incoming enemy attacks and counter-attacks
 Samurai Spirit
Crystal Icon 1
Gale Force - Shield effect absorbs incoming damage; Chance to interrupt incoming attacks; Applies Winded to attackersGale Force - Shield effect absorbs incoming damage; Chance to interrupt incoming attacks; Applies Winded to attackers
 Gale Force
Daredevil Icon 3
World on Fire - When an enemy attempts an attack, counter-attack of follow-up attack, Daredevil has a chance to prevent and counter that attack with Pass The Bar; All Attacks gain StealthyWorld on Fire - When an enemy attempts an attack, counter-attack of follow-up attack, Daredevil has a chance to prevent and counter that attack with Pass The Bar; All Attacks gain Stealthy
 World on Fire
Faiza Hussain Icon 1
Wielder of Excalibur - Lead by Light grants Faiza bonuses; Level 1: Protect low health allies; Level 2: Interrupt attacks against low health allies; Level 3: When interrupting against low health allies gain an extra turnWielder of Excalibur - Lead by Light grants Faiza bonuses; Level 1: Protect low health allies; Level 2: Interrupt attacks against low health allies; Level 3: When interrupting against low health allies gain an extra turn
 Wielder of Excalibur
Hawkeye Icon 4
Be An Avenger - Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers have a chance to Interrupt and Counter Range attacksBe An Avenger - Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers have a chance to Interrupt and Counter Range attacks
 Be An Avenger
Heimdall Icon 1
Far Sight - Most enemy attacks cannot be Stealthy; Chance to negate preemptive counter-attacksFar Sight - Most enemy attacks cannot be Stealthy; Chance to negate preemptive counter-attacks
 Far Sight
The Eternal Vigilant - Chance to prevent enemy attacksThe Eternal Vigilant - Chance to prevent enemy attacks
 The Eternal Vigilant
Iron Fist Icon 1Iron Fist Icon 2
Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Iron Fist has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Iron Fist has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.
 Combo Breaker
Kang Icon 1
Ripple Effect 1 Round - Kang counters and prevents counter-attacks and follow-up attacks; Enemy attacks cannot be StealthyRipple Effect 1 Round - Kang counters and prevents counter-attacks and follow-up attacks; Enemy attacks cannot be Stealthy
 Ripple Effect
Knight America Icon 1
Land of Opportunity - Chance to Interrupt incoming enemy attacks, applying Focal Point to the enemy; Counters Focal Point debuffed enemies with Rolling Riposte (Desperation Attack, Act of Valor, Concentrated Efforts)Land of Opportunity - Chance to Interrupt incoming enemy attacks, applying Focal Point to the enemy; Counters Focal Point debuffed enemies with Rolling Riposte (Desperation Attack, Act of Valor, Concentrated Efforts)
 Land of Opportunity
Quicksilver Icon 3
You Didn't See That Coming? - Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers have a chance to Interrupt and Counter Melee attacksYou Didn't See That Coming? - Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers have a chance to Interrupt and Counter Melee attacks
 You Didn't See That Coming?
Thor (Jane Foster) Icon 1
Static Pull - Chance to interrupt attacks made by enemies with Static ChargeStatic Pull - Chance to interrupt attacks made by enemies with Static Charge
 Static Pull


Name Ability
Hand Shadow Icon
 Hand Shadow
Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Hand Shadow has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.Combo Breaker - When an enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Hand Shadow has a chance to prevent and counter that attack.
 Combo Breaker
Spec Ops 31 - Group Boss
The Leader IconRed Leader Icon
The Leader
Predicted Outcome - When an enemy attempts to perform an action, Leader has a chance to cause it to failPredicted Outcome - When an enemy attempts to perform an action, Leader has a chance to cause it to fail
 Predicted Outcome
Surtur Icon
Tactician Surtur
Firebreaker - When a Burning enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Surtur has a chance to prevent and counter that attackFirebreaker - When a Burning enemy attempts to perform a counter-attack or follow-up attack, Surtur has a chance to prevent and counter that attack
Spec Ops 24 - Group Boss
