Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Knight America Icon 1 Knight America Articles and Topics:

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Knight America
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   6438
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   6438
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   1431
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   1574
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   1431
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   1574
Cost and Requirements:
Gender: Agent Male Gender Male
Carries Metal? No


The Second Dark Age arose from the fires of the Atomic Age and the aftermath of the Second World War. What once was the danger of "mutual assured destruction" became the unraveling of the Second Industrial Revolution. With the world's nations broken and technology lost, darkness not only covered the world, but also consumed the hearts of many who remained. Those with evil intent began to build their own kingdoms by corrupting the willing and enslaving the weak. All hope seemed lost for centuries until The Sentinel of Liberty, Knight America, fought back against these tyrant kings. Following the traditions of a bygone era, Knight America would gather anyone, willing to listen, around the bonfires to hear the ancient oral tales of loyalty, selflessness and the magnification of moral fiber. Armed with only his shield and sword, and the full plate mail which he adorned, Knight America set out to encourage and rally the people to work together and push back against the darkness to bring about a new age of hope and hearth fire for all people.
Knight America-Sword of Liberty Sword of Liberty Knight America-Shield of Freedom Shield of Freedom Level 2
Stamina Cost: 17% Stamina Cost: 11%
Target: One Enemy Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 1100 - 1430 Total Damage: 861 - 1032
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: 2 # of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 82% / 7% Hit/Critical: 82% / 11%
Type: Melee Slashing Vibranium Type: Ranged Melee Vibranium
• A special longsword made out of a metal lost to time
Etched along the blade is the word 'Liberty'

Special Properties

Act of Valor - Deals extra damage for each stack of ValorAct of Valor - Deals extra damage for each stack of Valor
 Act of Valor
Determination Attack - The higher this character's Health, the more damage this attack doesDetermination Attack - The higher this character's Health, the more damage this attack does
 Determination Attack
• Shield of a nameless knight, a true patriot

One Enemy

Focal Point (1 round) - Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and critFocal Point (1 round) - Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit and crit
 Focal Point (1 round)
Off-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effectsOff-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effects
 Off-balance (1 round)
Cornered (1 round) - Removes and prevents Protect effects (4 Cosmic Energy)Cornered (1 round) - Removes and prevents Protect effects (4 Cosmic Energy)
 Cornered (1 round)
Knight America-Spirit of America Spirit of America Level 6 Knight America-War Stories War Stories Level 9
Stamina Cost: 28% Stamina Cost: 28%
Target: All Allies Target: All Allies
Total Damage: n/a Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 3 Rounds Cooldown: 4 Rounds
# of Hits: n/a # of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: n/a Hit/Critical: n/a
Type: Buff Type: Buff
• The Spirit of America will never die

All Allies

Soulstice (3 rounds) - Attacks have a chance to cause allies to join in on single-target attacks; Allies have a chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks; Increases Accuracy, Attack, Defense, and EvasionSoulstice (3 rounds) - Attacks have a chance to cause allies to join in on single-target attacks; Allies have a chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks; Increases Accuracy, Attack, Defense, and Evasion
 Soulstice (3 rounds)
Blessing - Increases the effect of healing receivedBlessing - Increases the effect of healing received
 Blessing (1 round)
Recuperation (2 rounds) - Restoring stamina every turnRecuperation (2 rounds) - Restoring stamina every turn
 Recuperation (2 rounds)


Medal of Honor (3 rounds) - Land of Opportunity's chance to Interrupt is greatly increasedMedal of Honor (3 rounds) - Land of Opportunity's chance to Interrupt is greatly increased
 Medal of Honor (3 rounds)
• Come and sit by the fire
Where tales are sung of valor

All Allies

Heal - Restores some healthHeal - Restores some health
Remove Debuffs - Remove harmful status effects from the targetRemove Debuffs - Remove harmful status effects from the target
 Remove Debuffs
Inspiration (1 round) - All Buff Action Cooldowns are reduced to 0; Does not affect War StoriesInspiration (1 round) - All Buff Action Cooldowns are reduced to 0; Does not affect War Stories
 Inspiration (1 round)

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Character-Restricted Empowered ISO-8[]

  • None.

Character-Restricted Augmented ISO-8[]

  • None.

Patch History[]

Team-Up Bonuses[]

For a complete list of Knight America's Team-Up Bonuses, see Knight America/Team-Up Bonuses.

Knight America has the following Team-Up Bonuses:

  • Good Knight: Heroes with Knight in their names
  • Home Of The Brave: Heroes with America in their name
  • Not of This Earth: Heroes not from this reality
  • Safety First: Heroes who wear a helmet
  • Shield Bearers: Heroes who have been Captain America
  • You Have My Sword: Heroes who wield swords


For all Images, Artwork, and Icons (Original and Alternate Uniform versions), see Knight_America/Gallery.
