Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Kuurth Icon Spider-Woman Articles and Topics:
  • Dialogues
This article is about the Boss. For the playable Hero version, see Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman Dialogue 2


Chapter 8 - Trial By Fire: Mission 1 - Circle of 8 City[]

Boss - Kuurth[]


øβëœ Kuurth:
Kuurth Icon

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Oh no. How many times do we have to tell people not to pick up the hammers?

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Spider-Woman didn't listen. Now she's... well, what is she?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
Kuurth, Breaker of Stone.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
How do you know this stuff?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
I read. Plus I paid attention when Heimdall debriefed us all on the Worthy.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
I couldn't make that meeting. Busy saving the world. But I'll make up for it. Here I go...


øβëœ Kuurth:
Kuurth Icon

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 1
You're Breaker of Stone, huh? Good thing I didn't use any stone in my new suit.

øβëœ Kuurth:
Kuurth Icon

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 1
Maybe the next generation of the Worthy will be just a little more articulate.


øßńëżœ Kuurth:
Kuurth Icon
