Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 2 BlueEffect Icon 112
Passive Attack Buff
 The first attack that would reduce Deadpool's health to 0 will return him to 50% health instead.
Related / Similar Effects:
Healing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Guaranteed to survive being KO'ed once and restored to half health; Gains Frenzy after being KO'edHealing Factor - Gradually restores Health during combat; Reduces durations for Bleeding and Poison; Guaranteed to survive being KO'ed once and restored to half health; Gains Frenzy after being KO'ed
 Healing Factor
From Hell - The first attack that would reduce Daimon Hellstrom's health to 0 will return him to 50% health instead.From Hell - The first attack that would reduce Daimon Hellstrom's health to 0 will return him to 50% health instead.
 From Hell
From Hell - The first attack that would reduce Ghost Rider's health to 0 will return him to 50% health instead.From Hell - The first attack that would reduce Ghost Rider's health to 0 will return him to 50% health instead.
 From Hell
This Effect is a part of:
Empowered Iso-8 Effects
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 2 BlueLifepool
 The first attack that would reduce Deadpool's health to 0 will return him to 50% health instead.

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
Empowered Iso-8 011 Spicy Empowered Iso-8
(Deadpool Deadpool only)
