Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Maggia Duelist
Organization: The Maggia

Class: Infiltratoricon Infiltrator
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02  4
Defense: Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  1
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02  4
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3

The Maggia Duelist makes use of a full set of rare elemental blades to cut his opponents down to size.
First Marvel: Avengers Alliance Appearance: Chapter 2 - Mission 1
First Comic Appearance: None
Story Appearances
Season 1: Chapter 2 - Mission 1, Chapter 3 - Mission 2, Chapter 3 - Mission 6, Chapter 6 - Mission 1, Chapter 7 - Mission 3, Chapter 9 - Mission 5, Chapter 10 - Mission 2
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Mission 3, Chapter 3 - Mission 6, Chapter 7 - Mission 2, Chapter 7 - Mission 6
Special Operations Appearances
Missions: Spec Ops 1 - Mission 1, Spec Ops 5 - Mission 2, Spec Ops 10 - Mission 2, Spec Ops 11 - Mission 2
Other Appearances
Daily Missions: Standard - All Heroes (4)
Simulator: Drax Set, Gamora Set


Mission 1.2.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.6, 1.6.1

Ability Type Target # of Hit CD Effect
Knife Toss Ranged One Enemy 1 -
Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%
Reckless Stab Melee One Enemy 2 - -
Switchblade Swipe Melee One Enemy 1 -
Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 timesBleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 times

Mission 1.7.3, 1.9.5, 1.10.2, Spec Ops 1.1, 5.2

Ability Type Target # of Hit CD Effect
Chaotic Knife Melee One Enemy 2 4
Burning (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Defense reduced; Cancelled by chilledBurning (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Defense reduced; Cancelled by chilled
Chaotic Knife Melee One Enemy 2 4
Chilled (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Evasion reduced; Cancelled by burningChilled (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Evasion reduced; Cancelled by burning
Chaotic Knife Melee One Enemy 2 4
Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced
Knife Toss Ranged One Enemy 1 -
Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%
Reckless Stab Melee One Enemy 2 - -
Switchblade Swipe Melee One Enemy 1 -
Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 timesBleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 times
