Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 2 RedEffect Icon 011
  Mark of the Huntress
Debuff 4 rounds
 Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit
 Allies that defeat this target with an attack gain Health
Related / Similar Effects:
Deathwatch (3 rounds) - Grants Deathwatch to Valkyrie and has a chance to grant it to her allies; The next time this character would be KO'ed, they are instead healed to 25% HealthDeathwatch (3 rounds) - Grants Deathwatch to Valkyrie and has a chance to grant it to her allies; The next time this character would be KO'ed, they are instead healed to 25% Health
Deathglow - Grants Health to Valkyrie and her allies when this enemy is KO'edDeathglow - Grants Health to Valkyrie and her allies when this enemy is KO'ed
Hunter's Mark - Taking extra damage; Only one enemy target can be marked with Hunter's Mark at a timeHunter's Mark - Taking extra damage; Only one enemy target can be marked with Hunter's Mark at a time
 Hunter's Mark
Pinpoint Target (3 turns) - Single-target attacks against this target are guaranteed to hitPinpoint Target (3 turns) - Single-target attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit
 Pinpoint Target
This Effect is a part of:
Hero-Only Effects
Mark of the Huntress
4 rounds
Effect BG 2 RedMark of the Huntress
 Attacks against this target are guaranteed to hit
 Allies that defeat this target with an attack gain Health


Name Ability
Angela Icon 1
Angela-Xiphos Xiphos


  • If an enemy is defeated due to another ally Following-up , both the initial attacker and the follow-upper gets healed.
  • If Angela gives this to an ally, enemies will get healed if they KO that ally.
