Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters Student Record: Kitty Pryde
Gender: Female
Nation of Origin: USA
Enrolled: Third Class* (see notes below)
Grade Point Average (GPA): 5.25 (***with extra credit***)
Danger Room Median Success Rate (DRMSR): 100000.0 (***Ms. Pryde has been hacking into the Danger Room computer again. I will have to speak with her.***)
Active Mutations: Kitty can “phase” her body through solid matter with no harm to herself. She can remain insubstantial as long as she can hold her breath. When “phasing” through electronic machinery she disrupts or permanently fuses those systems.
Passive Mutations: None.
Hereditary Mutations?: No, none of Kitty’s family has manifested any mutant ability to date.
Student Background: Kitty was a normal teenager living outside Chicago when her mutant powers first manifested themselves. The White Queen of the Hellfire Club attempted to recruit her into her own school for young mutants to further her own unpleasant ends, forcing my hand. Though she was much younger than the other students currently enrolled, I persuaded her and her parents to send her to my school -- and the X-Men .
Notes: Though some criticized at the time me for not transferring Kitty to my third class of students (colloquially called “The New Mutants”) I felt that she had already acclimated well with Wolverine , Colossus and the others, so I kept her in the older class. She has consistently proven worthy of that judgment and grown into a true leader among the X-Men.
Charles Xavier