Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters Student Record: Storm
Gender: Female
Nation of Origin: Born in USA, raised in Egypt and Kenya
Enrolled: Second Class
Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.75
Danger Room Median Success Rate (DRMSR): 8.65
Active Mutations: Ororo’s mind is directly linked to Earth’s weather systems, allowing her to manipulate wind, lightning, rain, hail, fog and so on for a variety of effects.
Passive Mutations: None.
Hereditary Mutations? Unknown. I don’t know enough about Ororo’s family history to rule out the X-Gene in her relatives.
Student Background: Orphaned like so many X-Men at an early age, Ororo grew up a pickpocket on the streets of Cairo. After her powers manifested themselves, however, Ororo wandered the continent of Africa, arriving at last in her mother’s native Kenya, where she was worshipped as a weather goddess by local tribespeople. There I found her and recruited into the X-Men, where she soon blossomed into one of its most effective members, one whom I feel entirely comfortable leading the team when necessary.
Notes: Due to some childhood trauma -- or, perhaps, her many free years riding the winds of the open veldt -- Ororo possesses a nearly crippling claustrophobia, or fear of enclosed places. I must do what I can to avoid selecting her for missions in which that phobia may prove a crippling flaw.
Charles Xavier