Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 GreenEffect Icon 012
  Mental Coordination
Buff 1 round
 Increases Accuracy, Attack, Defense, and Evasion
 High chance of performing a follow-up attack after allies' single-target attacks
15% chance to trigger
Related / Similar Effects:
Berserker (2 rounds) - Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacksBerserker (2 rounds) - Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks
Coordinated Attack - Attacks have a chance to cause allies to join in the attackCoordinated Attack - Attacks have a chance to cause allies to join in the attack
 Coordinated Attack
Helios Protocol - Change class to Tactician; Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacksHelios Protocol - Change class to Tactician; Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks
 Helios Protocol
Joint Assault - High chance of performing a follow-up attack when an ally attacksJoint Assault - High chance of performing a follow-up attack when an ally attacks
 Joint Assault
Urban Warfare - Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacksUrban Warfare - Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks
 Urban Warfare
War Never Changes - Chance to join in on an ally's single-target attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacksWar Never Changes - Chance to join in on an ally's single-target attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks
 War Never Changes
This Effect is a part of:
Hero-Only Effects
Mental Coordination
1 round
Effect BG 3 GreenMental Coordination
 Increases Accuracy, Attack, Defense, and Evasion
 High chance of performing a follow-up attack after allies' single-target attacks

For the list of List of Counter and Follow-up Attacks, see here.


  • Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy, and Evasion by 30%.
  • Triggers up to 2 per round.


Name Action
Psylocke Icon 1Psylocke Icon 2
Psylocke-Mental Coordination Mental Coordination


Patch Notes[]

October 16, 2014 Patch Notes

  • Bug & Balance Fixes
