Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

For other uses, see Mirror Images

Effect BG 1 GreenEffect Icon 026
  Mirror Image
Buff 1 round
 Illusions grant a 70% chance to avoid up to 2 single-target attacks
Mirror Image
1 round
Effect BG 1 GreenMirror Image
 Illusions grant a 70% chance to avoid up to 2 single-target attacks

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
Empowered Iso-8 001 Blurred Empowered Iso-8
(Infiltrator only)


Icon Name
Mysterium Manifold Mysterium Manifold
Mysterium Mirror Mysterium Mirror
Digital Decoy Digital Decoy
Ring of Ikkon Ring of Ikkon


Name Ability
Cable Icon 1
T-O Control - Access to techonological arsenalT-O Control - Access to techonological arsenal
 T-O Control
Cable-Bodyslide Bodyslide
Spiral Icon 1
Spiral-Sword Dance Sword Dance


  • This Effect stacks with
    Mirror Images (1 round) - Illusions grant a chance to Avoid the next 2 single-target attacksMirror Images (1 round) - Illusions grant a chance to Avoid the next 2 single-target attacks
     Mirror Images, but when attacked by a single-target attack, both Effects get used up at the same time.
