Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Moon Knight Icon 1 Moon Knight Articles and Topics:

Recruited Message[]

Moon Knight Dialogue 1


People ask me how I can live like this. The risks, the madness, the constant fighting.

I think we understand each other, Agent. There is no other way to live.


Covert Task: Impostor?[]


Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
Okay, I'm tired of playing games with you.

How many clues do I have to leave before you figure it out?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Don't give yourself too much credit, ace. We had you pegged from the beginning.

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
Tell yourselves that if it makes you feel better. Right now, I've got more important things to do, and I could use a little extra firepower.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Drop the vigilante routine, stand with us, and we'll provide more firepower and resources than you can handle.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Boy, things are looking up. Just when we're besieged by an apocalyptic assassin cult and colliding alternate Earths, we ask a bona-fide lunatic to join the team.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Stark, if I culled every misfit with a grudge out of S.H.I.E.L.D., there wouldn't be much left.

Chapter 6 - When Opportunity Knocks: Mission 2 - Ancient Knight[]

Mission Start[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
There's a private museum in this part of London. Not many people know about it.

Those that do, know it has a collection of Egyptian artifacts you won't see anywhere else.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
And among those in-the-know people are the Circle of 8. They're up to something and the museum is the focus.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Moon Knight's on the scene and reports demonic presence in the he's sighted Kang.

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
There are definitely demons. Also these Circle of 8 dirtbags.

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
There are Circle of 8 cultists chanting for Moon Knight to come out and prove he's worthy. Worthy of what?

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
I'll find out. And along the way, I'll settle things with Kang.

Mini-Boss - Baron Mordo[]

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Dr. Strange:
Dr. Strange Icon 1
Baron Mordo is trying to get something out of the museum. There are powerful magical wards upon it, but they will not stop him for long.

Moon Knight, he is setting demons loose to destroy the collection. He must believe that one of the other items is the source of the protections.

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
That's exactly what he's doing. I can feel the power of the ward diminishing.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Now maybe you and your Khonshu-Fu can help express our disapproval of the situation.


This world is in its death throes. We will extract from it what we can, and you will perish in futile defense of something that was already fated to be annihilated. Baron Mordo:
Baron Mordo Icon

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
Or I'll send you back through a portal in pieces and we'll get down to the business of saving what can be saved.

Resolute to the end. Insane, but resolute. Baron Mordo:
Baron Mordo Icon

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
If that's a surprise, you haven't been paying attention.


Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
I took care of him. Wonder if he still thinks I'm crazy.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Do you care?

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
I'm curious. It's not the same as caring.

Boss - Kang[]

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Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
Is this the Old Kingdom reunion? I didn't get an invitation.

It is fitting that you should hear the news first: I return to your time as herald of the true apocalypse.

I am here to recover what can be saved and remove it to a world that will survive. You and your forgotten god-totem may resist if you wish.

Kang Icon

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
Is that what Mordo was after too? Saving museum collections? Give me a break. And if by apocalypse you mean Incursions, we already know.

All resistance will gain you is submission or death at my hands, during the last days of this universe. Kang:
Kang Icon

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
That would scare me if I hadn't forgotten how to be scared.

You will remember soon. Unless you prove yourself to the Circle of 8, in which case your fate will be quite...different. Kang:
Kang Icon


Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Looks like Kang's retreated. So are you worthy now?

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
The Circle of 8 mob isn't saying it any more. I don't know. What was that all about?

Agent Coulson:
Agent Coulson Dialogue
We're working through the museum's artifacts to see if we can answer that question. Stay tuned.

Mission Complete[]

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Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
If the Circle of 8 have something to do with these hammers, we need to hit them harder than ever. I need some answers, people! Who's behind the Circle of 8 and how do they know what is going on?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
And how do they determine who is "worthy"? I mean, you'd think I'd be at the top of that list.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
I was close enough to touch Kang's mind and he is certain that the Circle of 8's actions are related to the hammers falling. And Tony, darling, they use worthy as a noun, not an adjective.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Thanks for the grammar check. But Kang is also kind of nuts, right? What is it with these Egyptian guys all being crazy?

Moon Knight:
Moon Knight Icon 1
Watch it, Stark.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Says the Circle of 8's new favorite worthy-guy. You watch it.

Emma Frost:
Emma Frost Icon 1
It's the time travel that makes Kang crazy. But it doesn't make him wrong. I think we had better prepare for the worst.
