Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 034
  Open Wound
 Chance to apply Ravaged and up to 3 applications of Bleeding
Related / Similar Effects:
The Blood Within - Chance to apply up to 3 applications of Internal BleedingThe Blood Within - Chance to apply up to 3 applications of Internal Bleeding
 The Blood Within
Open Wound
Effect BG 1 RedOpen Wound
 Chance to apply Ravaged and up to 3 applications of Bleeding

Caused Effects[]

Name Chance
Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 timesBleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 times
Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 timesBleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 times
 Bleeding x2
Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 timesBleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; This effect can be applied 3 times
 Bleeding x3
Ravaged (3 turns) - Takes increased damage from BleedingRavaged (3 turns) - Takes increased damage from Bleeding


Gear Name
Femme Fatalons Femme Fatalons


Name Ability
Black Panther Icon 2
Black Panther-Anti-metal Claws Combat Claws
Colleen Wing Icon 1
Colleen Wing-Keen Kenjutsu Keen Kenjutsu
Hellcat Icon 1
Hellcat-Cleaving Claws Cleaving Claws
Howard the Duck Icon 1
Howard the Duck-Fury's Closet Fury's Closet
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Howard the Duck-Friggin' Sword of Hope Friggin' Sword of Hope
Iron Man Icon 5
Iron Man-Missile Barrage Digger Missiles
Jessica Jones Icon 1
Jessica Jones-I'm Resourceful I'm Resourceful
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

Jessica Jones-Bus Stop Battleaxe Bus Stop Battleaxe
Lizard Icon 1
Lizard-Septic Bite Septic Bite
Spider-Man 2099 Icon 1
Spider-Man 2099-What the Shock What the Shock?!
Spitfire Icon 1
Spitfire-Attack Run Attack Run
Superior Spider-Man Icon 1
Superior Spider-Man-Superior Armaments Superior Armaments
