Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
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Missing: Original Daredevil Unlocked message
Daredevil Icon 1 Daredevil Articles and Topics:
This article is about the playable hero. For the Enemy version, see Daredevil.

This is an Alternate Uniform
Scrappericon Tacticianicon  Original Daredevil
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   130
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   143
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   23
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   26
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   26
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   29
Cost and Requirements:
Gender: Agent Male Gender Male
Carries Metal? No

SHIELD S.H.I.E.L.D., The Defenders

Blinded by radioactive material when he was young, Matt Murdock nevertheless went on to become a skillful lawyer. As Daredevil, he puts his superhumanly enhanced senses and incredible martial-arts skills to service protecting the people of Hell's Kitchen and New York City.
Daredevil-Billy Club Billy Club Daredevil-Radar Sense Radar Sense Level 2
Stamina Cost: 10% Stamina Cost: 10%
Target: One Enemy Target: Self
Total Damage: n/a Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: 4 Rounds
# of Hits: 2 # of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 88% / 20% Hit/Critical: n/a
Type: Melee Type: Buff

Special Properties

True Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effectsTrue Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effects
 True Strike

One Enemy

Internal Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; Cannot be removed; Counts as and stacks with BleedingInternal Bleeding (3 rounds) - Taking damage every round or after performing hostile actions; Cannot be removed; Counts as and stacks with Bleeding
 Internal Bleeding
Pressure Points - Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed or WeakenedPressure Points - Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed or Weakened
 Pressure Points

Special Properties

Free Action - Grants an immediate free turn after using; Does not trigger follow-up attacksFree Action - Grants an immediate free turn after using; Does not trigger follow-up attacks
 Free Action
True Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effectsTrue Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effects
 True Strike


Radar Sense (3 rounds) - All attacks gain Stealthy; Increased Accuracy and EvasionRadar Sense (3 rounds) - All attacks gain Stealthy; Increased Accuracy and Evasion
 Radar Sense
Daredevil-Snap Kick Snap Kick Level 6 Daredevil-Manrikigusari Manrikigusari Level 9
Stamina Cost: 25% Stamina Cost: 20%
Target: One Enemy Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: 1 # of Hits: 1
Hit/Critical: 91% / 21% Hit/Critical: 82% / 19%
Type: Unarmed Melee Type: Ranged

Special Properties

True Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effectsTrue Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effects
 True Strike

One Enemy

Hobbled - Attacks cannot be StealthyHobbled - Attacks cannot be Stealthy
Fumbling (1 round) - Single-target attacks provoke a counter-attackFumbling (1 round) - Single-target attacks provoke a counter-attack

Special Properties

Deadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hitsDeadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hits
 Deadly Crits
Paragon Exploiter - Deals extra damage against targets with Combo Setup, Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Stunned or WeakenedParagon Exploiter - Deals extra damage against targets with Combo Setup, Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Stunned or Weakened
 Paragon Exploiter
True Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effectsTrue Strike - Ignores most Avoidance effects
 True Strike

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Daredevil Original Unlocked (?)