Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 BlueEffect Icon 079
  Preemptive Strike
Passive Attack Buff
 The Counter-Attack from Combat Reflexes is now a Preemptive Counter-Attack
This Effect is a part of:
Empowered Iso-8 Effects
Preemptive Strike
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 3 BluePreemptive Strike
 The Counter-Attack from Combat Reflexes is now a Preemptive Counter-Attack

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name
Empowered Iso-8 Covert Covert Empowered Iso-8


  • Combat Reflexes will preemptively be applied when targeted by Tacticians.
    • Also happens to other Infiltrator's in the team when targeted by a multi-target move.
  • With this effect Combat Reflexes can stack with other Counter Effects.
