Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Augmented Iso
Pugilist Augmented Iso-8
Augmented Iso-8
Pugilist Augmented Iso-8

—Image © Marvel and Playdom
Iso-8 Stats
Action: Unarmed
Availability and Requirements:
Gold icon Cost: 10
Silver-icon Sell: 1,000
Pugilist Augmented Iso-8
Augmented Iso-8
Pugilist Augmented Iso-8 Augmented Iso-8
ACTION  Unarmed
Augmented Iso Icon Sell: Silver-icon 1,000
Pugilist - Equipped Unarmed attack gains Exploits Combos; Cannot be equipped to an action that Exploits CombosPugilist - Equipped Unarmed attack gains Exploits Combos; Cannot be equipped to an action that Exploits Combos


Pugilist - Equipped Unarmed attack gains Exploits Combos; Cannot be equipped to an action that Exploits CombosPugilist - Equipped Unarmed attack gains Exploits Combos; Cannot be equipped to an action that Exploits Combos


  • Equipped Unarmed attack gains Exploits Combos
  • Cannot be equipped to an action that Exploits Combos