Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 1 RedEffect Icon 031
Debuff 2 rounds
 Deals bio damage each turn
 Chance to apply Reckless, Incapacitation, Weakened, Exposed, Dizzy, and Slowed
Related / Similar Effects:
Chemical Mine - Surrounded by chemical explosives; Does not detonate on counter-attacks or follow-ups; Enemies caught in the explosion gain Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Weakened, and IncapacitationChemical Mine - Surrounded by chemical explosives; Does not detonate on counter-attacks or follow-ups; Enemies caught in the explosion gain Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Weakened, and Incapacitation
 Chemical Mine
Creeping Infestation (2 rounds) - Performing an attack causes damage, Pressure Points, and may apply Hybrid Infestation; Removed by performing or being targeted by Fire or Sonic attacksCreeping Infestation (2 rounds) - Performing an attack causes damage, Pressure Points, and may apply Hybrid Infestation; Removed by performing or being targeted by Fire or Sonic attacks
 Creeping Infestation
Ichor (2 rounds) - Deals bio damage every turn; Prevented from using a set of abilities each roundIchor (2 rounds) - Deals bio damage every turn; Prevented from using a set of abilities each round
Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced
Pressure Points - Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed or WeakenedPressure Points - Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed or Weakened
 Pressure Points
This Effect is a part of:
Enemy-Only Effects
2 rounds
Effect BG 1 RedRabies
 Deals bio damage each turn
 Chance to apply Reckless, Incapacitation, Weakened, Exposed, Dizzy, and Slowed



Name Action Chance
Dracula Icon
Conjure Bats 60%
Umar Icon
Demons of Denak
