Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Red She-Hulk Icon 1 Red She-Hulk Articles and Topics:

Generalisticon  Modern Red She-Hulk
Red She-Hulk
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   ?
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   ?
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   ?
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   ?
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   ?
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   ?
Cost and Requirements:
Gender: Agent Female Gender Female
Carries Metal? No

Avengers Avengers, The Defenders

Betty Ross's life has been consumed by a battle between two men, her father and Bruce Banner. Even before the gamma accident turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk, Betty's attraction to him led to her father developing a disdain for the brilliant scientist. Despite her father's best efforts, Betty and Bruce were eventually married. But after her father was transformed into the Red Hulk and the Abomination tried to poison her, Betty and Bruce's relationship suffered, and they separated. Betty was later abducted and transformed into the Red She-Hulk by the Leader.
Red She-Hulk-Body Blow Body Blow Red She-Hulk-Cage Fight Cage Fight Level 2
Stamina Cost: 7% Stamina Cost: 23%
Target: One Enemy Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 741 - 890 Total Damage: 927 - 1485
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: 2 Rounds
# of Hits: 1 # of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 85% / 8% Hit/Critical: 85% / 8%
Type: Unarmed Melee Type: Unarmed Melee

One Enemy

Exhausted (1 round) - Cannot take extra turns; Quick Actions become normal actionsExhausted (1 round) - Cannot take extra turns; Quick Actions become normal actions
 Exhausted (1 round)
Fumbling (1 round) - Single-target attacks provoke a counter-attackFumbling (1 round) - Single-target attacks provoke a counter-attack
 Fumbling (1 round)


Gamma Energy - Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Evasion; Restores some health and stamina when gainedGamma Energy - Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Evasion; Restores some health and stamina when gained
 Gamma Energy

One Enemy

Flanked (1 round) - Single-target attacks against this target grant a follow-up attackFlanked (1 round) - Single-target attacks against this target grant a follow-up attack
 Flanked (1 round)
Staggered (3 rounds) - Cannot dodge most attacks; Ignores most Advoidance effectsStaggered (3 rounds) - Cannot dodge most attacks; Ignores most Advoidance effects
 Staggered (3 rounds)
Off-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effectsOff-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effects
 Off-balance (1 round)


Gamma Energy - Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Evasion; Restores some health and stamina when gainedGamma Energy - Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Evasion; Restores some health and stamina when gained
 Gamma Energy
Red She-Hulk-Curb Stomp Curb Stomp Level 6 Red She-Hulk-Savage Strike Savage Strike Level 9
Stamina Cost: 14% Stamina Cost: 27%
Target: All Enemies Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 542 - 650 Total Damage: 1326 - 1786
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: 2 Rounds
# of Hits: 1 # of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 100% Hit/Critical: 93% / 9%
Type: Ground Type: Unarmed Melee

Special Properties

Ground Attack - Ignores most protect and Avoidance effectsGround Attack - Ignores most protect and Avoidance effects
 Ground Attack

All Enemies

Aftershock (2 rounds) - Deals Ground Damage to affected character's team before the next action; Removed after Aftershock is triggeredAftershock (2 rounds) - Deals Ground Damage to affected character's team before the next action; Removed after Aftershock is triggered
 Aftershock (2 rounds)
Hobbled - Attacks cannot be StealthyHobbled - Attacks cannot be Stealthy
 Hobbled (1 round)
Winded (1 Round) - Removes and prevents Follow-Up attacksWinded (1 Round) - Removes and prevents Follow-Up attacks
 Winded (1 round)


Gamma Energy - Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Evasion; Restores some health and stamina when gainedGamma Energy - Increases Attack, Defense, Accuracy and Evasion; Restores some health and stamina when gained
 Gamma Energy

Special Properties

Exploit Opportunity - Deals extra damage against opponents with Cornered, Exhausted, Impaired, Neutralized, Off-balance, Staggered or WindedExploit Opportunity - Deals extra damage against opponents with Cornered, Exhausted, Impaired, Neutralized, Off-balance, Staggered or Winded
 Exploit Opportunity
Ignore Defense - Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat; Attacks penetrate Shield statusesIgnore Defense - Damage ignores enemy's Defense stat; Attacks penetrate Shield statuses
 Ignore Defense
Unleash Anger - Consumes all stacks of Gamma Energy to deal extra damage.Unleash Anger - Consumes all stacks of Gamma Energy to deal extra damage.
 Unleash Anger

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Character-Restricted Empowered ISO-8[]

Character-Restricted Augmented ISO-8[]

  • None.

Patch History[]

Team Up Bonuses[]

For a complete list of Red She-Hulk's Team-Up Bonuses, see Red She-Hulk/Team-Up Bonuses.

Red She-Hulk has the following Team-Up Bonuses:

  • Anti-Precog: Characters against Precognitive Justice
  • Code Red: Heroes who were part of Code Red
  • Defenders: Members of The Defenders
  • Distaff Counterpart: Female counterparts of male heroes
  • Gamma Gang: Heroes who are Hulks
  • Red Relation: Red Hulk and Red-She Hulk
  • Red Herring: Domino, Elektra, Red She-Hulk or Thundra
  • Seismic Shuffle: Heroes who like to shake things up
  • Till Death Do Us Part: Hulk and Red She-Hulk


For all Images, Artwork, and Icons (Original and Alternate Uniform versions), see Red She-Hulk/Gallery.
