Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 GreenEffect Icon 186
  Royal Training
Buff 1 round
 Grants Rising Up to each ally at the beginning of their first turn every round
 Inhuman allies become immune to Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, and Weakened
Related / Similar Effects:
Intensive Training - Rising Up applied to all allies at the beginning of their turn; All Inhumans become immune to Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, WeakenedIntensive Training - Rising Up applied to all allies at the beginning of their turn; All Inhumans become immune to Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Weakened
 Intensive Training
Become The Hero - Rising Up is applied at the beginning of every turnBecome The Hero - Rising Up is applied at the beginning of every turn
 Become The Hero
This Effect is a part of:
Hero-Only Effects
Royal Training
1 round
Effect BG 3 GreenRoyal Training
 Grants Rising Up to each ally at the beginning of their first turn every round
 Inhuman allies become immune to Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, and Weakened


Name Action
Black Bolt Icon 1
King of the Inhumans - Chance to summon a member of the Royal Family, granting a temporary benefitKing of the Inhumans - Chance to summon a member of the Royal Family, granting a temporary benefit
 King of the Inhumans
