Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 BlueEffect Icon 106
  Ruler of Limbo
Passive Attack Buff
 Chance when attacking or attacked to summon Eyebites
7.2% chance to trigger
Related / Similar Effects:
Call for Backup - Chance when an ally attacks or is attacked to summon remote-controlled Iron Man armorsCall for Backup - Chance when an ally attacks or is attacked to summon remote-controlled Iron Man armors
 Call for Backup
Cosmic Control Rod - Chance to call warriors from the Annihilation Wave when an ally attacks or is attackedCosmic Control Rod - Chance to call warriors from the Annihilation Wave when an ally attacks or is attacked
 Cosmic Control Rod
Evil Eye - Summoned Eyebites now apply BreakdownEvil Eye - Summoned Eyebites now apply Breakdown
 Evil Eye
Watchful Eye - Chance to summon Eyebite when attackedWatchful Eye - Chance to summon Eyebite when attacked
 Watchful Eye
Watchful Eyes (3 rounds) - Chance to summon Eyebites when attackedWatchful Eyes (3 rounds) - Chance to summon Eyebites when attacked
 Watchful Eyes
E.V.A. - Chance for E.V.AE.V.A. - Chance for E.V.A
Ruler of Limbo
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 3 BlueRuler of Limbo
 Chance when attacking or attacked to summon Eyebites


Eyebite Sting
Target: All Enemies
# of Hits: 1
Type: Ranged Summon

Special Properties

Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects
Summoning Attack - Does not trigger counter or retaliation effectsSummoning Attack - Does not trigger counter or retaliation effects
 Summon Attack

All Enemies

Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced
 Poisoned (70% chance)

Death Gaze
Target: One Enemy
# of Hits: 1
Type: Ranged Summon

Special Properties

Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects
Summoning Attack - Does not trigger counter or retaliation effectsSummoning Attack - Does not trigger counter or retaliation effects
 Summon Attack


Name Action
Magik Icon 1Magik Icon 2


Name Action
Magik Icon

Empowered Isotope-8[]

Icon Name Effect
Empowered Iso-8 041 Bloodshot Empowered Iso-8
(Magik Magik only)
Evil Eye - Summoned Eyebites now apply BreakdownEvil Eye - Summoned Eyebites now apply Breakdown
 Evil Eye
Summoned Eyebites now apply
Breakdown - Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or SoulfireBreakdown - Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or Soulfire


  • Chance for this effect increases depending on the amount of
    Soul Charge - Increases Magik's chance to summon a demon; Unlock the potential of Magik's abilities; Can be applied 2 timesSoul Charge - Increases Magik's chance to summon a demon; Unlock the potential of Magik's abilities; Can be applied 2 times
     Soul Charge present. Base chance with 0 Soul Charge is 7.2%.

