Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 2 BlueEffect Icon 020
  Self Destruct Protocol
Passive Attack Buff
 Extends Recharge, allowing the Mech Armor to Self Destruct
 When defeated by combat damage, the suit Self-Destructs and damages all enemies
Related / Similar Effects:
Self-Destruct Sequence - When defeated, unleashes a final attack on all enemiesSelf-Destruct Sequence - When defeated, unleashes a final attack on all enemies
 Self-Destruct Sequence
Fatal Finish - When Knocked out, all Enemies take damageFatal Finish - When Knocked out, all Enemies take damage
 Fatal Finish
Volatile - Tends to explode when defeated.Volatile - Tends to explode when defeated.
This Effect is a part of:
Uniform-Only Effects
Self Destruct Protocol
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 2 BlueSelf Destruct Protocol
 Extends Recharge, allowing the Mech Armor to Self Destruct
 When defeated by combat damage, the suit Self-Destructs and damages all enemies


Self-Destruct Self-Destruct
Target: All Enemies
# of Hits: 1

Special Properties

Catastrophic - Can't be Protected against; Ignores most Avoidance effects; Guaranteed to hitCatastrophic - Can't be Protected against; Ignores most Avoidance effects; Guaranteed to hit
Deadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hitsDeadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hits
 Deadly Crits
Exploit Attrition - Deals increased damage against targets with Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, Dark Void, Iso-8 Corruption, Poisoned, or Radiation Exposure.Exploit Attrition - Deals increased damage against targets with Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, Dark Void, Iso-8 Corruption, Poisoned, or Radiation Exposure.
 Exploit Attrition
Finest Hour! - Deals extra damage while affected by Agile, Focused, Fortified, and StrengthenedFinest Hour! - Deals extra damage while affected by Agile, Focused, Fortified, and Strengthened
 Finest Hour!


Icon Name
Uniform Blaster 11 Blaster's Flight Suit
Flight Suit-Suit Up Suit Up
