Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
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Infiltratoricon  Classic Shanna the She-Devil
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   117
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   156
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   26
Defense: Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   21
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   31
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   29
Cost and Requirements:
Gender: Agent Female Gender Female
Carries Metal? No

Savage Land

Born in the jungles of Zaire, Shanna O'Hara learned to survive even in the deadliest of environments. Her abilities only increased when she was resurrected with the life force of the Savage Land, giving her the strength and speed of a dozen men.
Spear Vault Spear Vault
Stamina Cost: 6%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: 1
Hit/Critical: 94% / 22%
Type: Unarmed Melee

One Enemy

Winded (1 Round) - Removes and prevents Follow-Up attacksWinded (1 Round) - Removes and prevents Follow-Up attacks
Hobbled - Attacks cannot be StealthyHobbled - Attacks cannot be Stealthy
Cornered (1 round) - Removes and prevents Protect effects (4 Cosmic Energy)Cornered (1 round) - Removes and prevents Protect effects (4 Cosmic Energy)

Savage Toxins Savage Toxins Level 2
Stamina Cost: No Cost
Target: n/a
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: n/a
Type: n/a

Special Properties

Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.

One Enemy

Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced
Torpid (1 round) - Psychic damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacksTorpid (1 round) - Psychic damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacks

Scorpion's Sting Scorpion's Sting Level 2
Stamina Cost: 8%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 1 Round
# of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 94% / 22%
Type: Melee Slashing

One Enemy

Neutralized - Removes and prevents stat increasing effectsNeutralized - Removes and prevents stat increasing effects
Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced
Woozy (1 round) - Ranged damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacksWoozy (1 round) - Ranged damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacks


Tiger's Fury - *Increases Attack and Defense *This effect increases when attacked *Stacks up to two timesTiger's Fury - *Increases Attack and Defense *This effect increases when attacked *Stacks up to two times
 Tiger's Fury

Pinning Prick Pinning Prick Level 2
Stamina Cost: 8%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 1 Round
# of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 94% / 22%
Type: Melee Slashing

One Enemy

Staggered (3 rounds) - Cannot dodge most attacks; Ignores most Advoidance effectsStaggered (3 rounds) - Cannot dodge most attacks; Ignores most Advoidance effects
Enfeebled (1 round) - Melee damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacksEnfeebled (1 round) - Melee damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacks
Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced


Nimble (2 rounds) - 50% chance to avoid melee and ranged attacksNimble (2 rounds) - 50% chance to avoid melee and ranged attacks

Serpent Strike Serpent Strike Level 2
Stamina Cost: 8%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 1 Round
# of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 94% / 22%
Type: Melee Slashing

One Enemy

Poisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reducedPoisoned (2 turns) - Taking damage every turn; Attack reduced
Torpid (1 round) - Psychic damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacksTorpid (1 round) - Psychic damage reduced by 40%; Counts as Poison for attacks for the purpose of attacks
Off-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effectsOff-balance (1 round) - Removes and prevents Counter-Attack effects


Berserker (2 rounds) - Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacksBerserker (2 rounds) - Chance to join in on an ally's attack; Chance to retaliate when an ally is hit by single-target attacks

Nature's Bounty Nature's Bounty Level 6
Stamina Cost: 12%
Target: One Ally
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 3 Rounds
# of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 100%
Type: Buff Heal

One Ally

Remove Debuffs - Remove harmful status effects from the targetRemove Debuffs - Remove harmful status effects from the target
 Remove Debuffs


Gaining Ground - Taking 2 actions after a full roundGaining Ground - Taking 2 actions after a full round
 Gaining Ground
{{{name2}}} Off the Vine Level 9
Stamina Cost: 21%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 1 Round
# of Hits: 3
Hit/Critical: 94% / 22%
Type: Melee Slashing

Special Properties

Stealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilitiesStealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities

One Enemy

Flanked (1 round) - Single-target attacks against this target grant a follow-up attackFlanked (1 round) - Single-target attacks against this target grant a follow-up attack
Disoriented (1 round) - Single-target attacks have a chance of hitting allies; Removed after attacking an allyDisoriented (1 round) - Single-target attacks have a chance of hitting allies; Removed after attacking an ally

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Character-Restricted Empowered ISO-8[]

  • None

Character-Restricted Augmented ISO-8[]

Patch History[]

Team Up Bonuses[]

For a complete list of Shanna's Team-Up Bonuses, see Shanna/Team-Up Bonuses.

Shanna has the following Team-Up Bonuses:

  • Anti-Precog: Characters against Precognitive Justice
  • Bless the Rains: Heroes that have lived in Africa
  • Crowded: Heroes who have more than one personality at one point
  • Distaff Counterpart: Female counterparts of male heroes
  • Dr.: Heroes with Doctorates
  • Dr. Doolittle: Heroes who can talk fluently with another species
  • Heart of the Jungle: Ka-Zar and Shanna
  • Savages Savages: Heroes that have feral tendencies
  • Stick It: Heroes that use pole weapons
  • Swingers: Heroes that swing into action
  • Toxic Personality: Characters known for using poisons

