"Alternate versions of Spider-Man from multiple dimensions are gathering on Earth, looking for strength in numbers while staying one step ahead of their pursuers - a family of Spider-eating Inheritors. As the Spiders flee from the Inheritors, they find themselves up against the Sinister Six, who are wielding a powerful, Spider-fueled machine capable of altering the universe. Faced with becoming food or fuel, Superior Spider-Man and Ultimate Spider-Man join the fight!" — Chapter Briefing
Important Notes:
The only way to recruit Ultimate Spider-Man is to complete the list of Tasks.
One of the Tasks requires the defeat of an Epic Boss. This can be done by having the requirements needed to unlock the Epic Boss or by skipping the task by paying 30 Gold.
The requirements are:
"Electro and Vulture search for Spider-Man, claiming that he is required to fuel a machine capable of preventing... wait, fuel? No thanks." — Mission Preview
Defeating a Mini-Boss will simply remove it from the full Boss battle. Minimum Score: (?) Team Up:Ultimate Spider-Man (Required) Boss Drop:Mysterium Magna
A portal has opened up here. Sensors picked it up right away and when they zeroed in on it, cameras in the area spotted what looks like...another Spider-Man?
There's a dimensional portal holding open here, with some kind of creature coming through. Get a hero there to find out who or what it is. It doesn't look like an Incursion, but we can't tell for sure.
A few Servo Guards are now headed for the Latverian Embassy. We ought to let Doom handle his own problems, but that wouldn't be right. Send a hero to take care of the problem.
"Spiders from other dimensions are appearing all over the city, while an Inheritor roams the streets, searching for Spider-Totems. Some days, you actually hope it's just a Mysterio-induced hallucination." — Mission Preview
This Karn is a pitiless killer, and he's powerful enough that we're not sure any individual can stand up to him. But Vision can at least keep him on the move.
Maggia lieutenants are watching our operation. They'll move in as soon as they see an opening. Keep the Maggia out of this fight. Wolverine can send the message.
"When faced with fighting a powerful, dimension-hopping Inheritor or a group of home-grown thugs, the choice is clear. It's time to take the fight to the Sinister Six." — Mission Preview
It's apparent that every dimension and timestream has its own Spider-Totem. At least we think it's apparent. Angela has a foot in several Asgardian realms. Perhaps she can find out for us whether there are Asgardian Spiders.
The Spiders, especially Superior, are curious about the nature of Doc Ock's device. Reed Richards might be able to analyze it remotely and gather some information.
We've got a better idea of the main hardpoint in Doc Ock's defenses. Do another sweep to see where there might be larger concentrations of Servo Guards.