"Vampire attacks are on the rise in London, and there are whispers of the return of the Dark Lord Dracula. Evil walks the streets, spreading terror and fear, yet there is also something...sorcerous in the air. An evil plot is brewing in the Dark Dimension, threatening to bubble over to more than just London.
Spitfire races into action, joining S.H.I.E.L.D. in the fight against vampires, while Dr.strange rescues an old rival, to aid in their search for three shadowy spell-casters." — Chapter Briefing
Important Notes:
The only way to recruit Spitfire is to complete the list of Tasks.
One of the Tasks requires the defeat of an Epic Boss. This can be done by having the requirements needed to unlock the Epic Boss or by skipping the task by paying 30 Gold.
The requirements are:
A group of terrified parishioners is hiding in this church waiting for a religious vision because of all the vampires around. Maybe we can give them one.
Some students thought it would be funny to dress up as vampires and scare people. They're getting more than they bargained for from people who have actually seen vampires tonight. Send someone to help them out.
We know Umar and Hela are plotting something having to do with dimensional gateways. Send Magik to skip around the planes on her Stepping Disc and see what she can learn.
The dark Dimension portal we saw before has spilled quite a few Mindless Ones into the city. Umar's trying to keep us busy. Send someone to take them out tout suite.
There 's some kind of fairy or leprechaun or something wandering the streets here. It must have gotten out of Otherworld and now can't return. Send a hero to bring it in. One of our Otherwordly contigent can help it get home.
Mindless Ones have broken through a perimeter we set up around a Dark Dimension portal. Dr. Strange needs to seal the portal while we take out the Mindless Ones.
A group of vigilante citizens just set this building on fire because they think there are vampires inside. Send someone to get people out--and to handle the vampires if the vigilantes were right.