November 12, 2013 Patch Notes[]
- Dancing Queen gives Exhaustion when an extra turn is gained
- Dancing Queen was updated and now has 20% chance to proc
October 1, 2013 Patch Notes[]
- Bio: Once a talented stuntwoman named Rita Wayword, Spiral was kidnapped and genetically transformed into a six-armed assassin by extra-dimensional aliens. The experience damaged her sanity but granted her potent magical abilities. Though both her motives and loyalty are questionable, Spiral’s powers are such that having her as an ally is worth the risk...simply to avoid making her an enemy.
- Class: Infiltrator
- Self-Passive: Dancing Queen
- Chance to avoid an enemy's or ally's attack
- Gains an extra turn when an attack is dodged this way but only once per round
- Level 1: Cut Loose
- One Enemy
- Melee, Slashing
- High Crits
- Increased chance of critical hits
- Deadly Crits
- Deals extra damage on critical hits
- Whirling Dervish
- Replaces current dance with Sword Dance
- Level 2: Flashbolt
- One enemy
- Ranged, Magic
- Stealthy
- Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities
- Target Debuff: Bane
- Takes additional damage from magic attacks and effects
- Lasts 3 Rounds
- Target Debuff: Depower
- Actions no longer apply statuses
- Lasts 1 Round
- Babe With the Power
- Replaces current dance with Dance Magic Dance
- Level 6: Macabre Fandango (Dance)
- All Enemies
- 2 Round Cooldown
- Ranged, Magic, Buff, Debuff
- Subtle
- Does not trigger most status effects
- Target Debuff: Pressure Points
- Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, or Weakened
- Team Buff: Rising Up
- Has a chance to gain Focused, Fortified, Agile, or Strengthened
- Level 9: Time Spiral
- One Enemy
- 2 Round Cooldown
- Ranged, Magic
- Stun (60% Chance)
- Loses next turn
- Reduced chance to dodge
- Lasts 1 Turn
- Exhausted
- Cannot take extra turns
- Quick Actions become normal actions
- Lasts 1 Round
- Grants Spiral Sixty-Four Rotations
- Replaces current dance with Fouetté en Tournant
- Sword Dance (Dance)
- Dance
- All Enemies
- 2 Round Cooldown
- Melee, Magic
- Stealthy
- Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities
- Target Debuff: Weak Point
- The next attack against this target is guaranteed to hit and crit
- Lasts 2 Rounds
- Self Buff: Mirror Image
- High chance to Avoid the next two single-target attacks
- Lasts 4 Rounds
- Dance Magic Dance (Dance)
- All Enemies
- 2 Round Cooldown
- Ranged, Magic
- Catastrophic
- Can’t be Protected against
- Ignores most Avoidance effects
- Guaranteed to hit
- Target Debuff: Breakdown
- Chance to cause Biofeedback, Dark Void, Deathfrost, Radiation Exposure, or Soulfire
- Team Buff: Buildup
- Chance to cause Cosmic Energy, Force Field, Recuperation, Regeneration, or Teresing Boost
- Fouetté en Tournant (Dance)
- All Enemies
- 2 Round Cooldown
- Ranged, Magic
- Subtle
- Does not trigger most status effects
- Target Debuff: Disoriented
- Has a chance of attacking allies
- Lasts 1 Round
- Team Buff: Epiphany
- The next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit
- Lasts 2 Rounds