Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Organization: Test Subjects

Class: Tacticianicon Tactician
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02  3
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01  5
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  2
Evasion: Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02  1
Initiative: 0
Takes 1 action every round.

Subjected to further augmentation, the TA-Theta infiltrates his opponents minds, implanting a suite of nightmare imagery which distracts them from combat.
First Marvel: Avengers Alliance Appearance: Special Operations - Inhumans: Mission 1 - Anger of the Mad Titan
First Comic Appearance: None
Story Appearances
Season 1: None
Season 2: Unknown
Special Operations Appearances
Missions: Spec Ops 23 - Mission 1, Spec Ops 23 - Mission 2, Spec Ops 23 - Mission 3
Other Appearances
Daily Missions: None
Simulator: None


Action Type Target # of Hits Cooldown Effects
Empathic Warding Buff Psychic All Allies n/a 4 rounds Special Properties
Psychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effectsPsychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effects
 Psychic Attack
All Allies
Remove Debuffs - Remove harmful status effects from the targetRemove Debuffs - Remove harmful status effects from the target
 Remove Debuffs
Shield (2 turns) - Shield effect absorbs incoming damageShield (2 turns) - Shield effect absorbs incoming damage
Shared Thoughts
(default counter / follow-up)
Psychic Ranged One Enemy 1 n/a Special Properties
Psychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effectsPsychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effects
 Psychic Attack
One Enemy
Migraine (2 rounds) - Reduces damage on next attackMigraine (2 rounds) - Reduces damage on next attack
Mind Melt Psychic Ranged One Enemy 1 n/a Special Properties
Exploit Attrition - Deals increased damage against targets with Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, Dark Void, Iso-8 Corruption, Poisoned, or Radiation Exposure.Exploit Attrition - Deals increased damage against targets with Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, Dark Void, Iso-8 Corruption, Poisoned, or Radiation Exposure.
 Exploit Attrition
Exploit Opportunity - Deals extra damage against opponents with Cornered, Exhausted, Impaired, Neutralized, Off-balance, Staggered or WindedExploit Opportunity - Deals extra damage against opponents with Cornered, Exhausted, Impaired, Neutralized, Off-balance, Staggered or Winded
 Exploit Opportunity
Paragon Exploiter - Deals extra damage against targets with Combo Setup, Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Stunned or WeakenedParagon Exploiter - Deals extra damage against targets with Combo Setup, Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Stunned or Weakened
 Paragon Exploiter
Psychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effectsPsychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effects
 Psychic Attack
Casting Doubt Psychic Ranged All Enemies 1 2 rounds Special Properties
Psychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effectsPsychic Attack - Ignores most Avoidance, Shield, Protect, Counter effects
 Psychic Attack
All Enemies
Cower - 20% Chance for attacks to fail and cower in fear; Can only occur once per roundCower - 20% Chance for attacks to fail and cower in fear; Can only occur once per round
Intimidated (2 rounds) - Reduces AttackIntimidated (2 rounds) - Reduces Attack
