Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Scarlet Witch Icon 1 Scarlet Witch Articles and Topics:
This article is about the playable hero. For the Enemy version, see Scarlet Witch.

This is an Alternate Uniform This Alternate Uniform can be owned without recruiting the Hero
Blastericon Infiltratoricon  Transian Scarlet Witch
Transian Scarlet Witch
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   117
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   143
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   31
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   23
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   29
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   23
Cost and Requirements:
Gender: Agent Female Gender Female
Carries Metal? No

Avengers Avengers, Brotherhood of Mutants, Lady Liberators, Avengers West Coast Avengers

An orphan raised with her twin brother Quicksilver, Wanda Maximoff possesses a unique combination of mutant and magical powers. When persecuted for her probability-changing mutant abilities, the twins sought refuge with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, unaware that Magneto was their father. Unhappy at being a villain, Wanda convinced her brother that they should join the Avengers to redeem themselves. Where the Scarlet Witch goes, chaos follows.
Scarlet Witch-Hex Spheres Hex Spheres Scarlet Witch-Arcane Blast Arcane Blast Level 2
Stamina Cost: 9% Stamina Cost: 23%
Target: All Enemies Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 600 - 720 Total Damage: 1810 - 2171
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: 4 # of Hits: 1
Hit/Critical: 92% / 16% Hit/Critical: 92% / 16%
Type: Energy Ranged Magic Type: Magic Energy Ranged

All Enemies

Hexed (2 turns) - Attacks have a chance to backfireHexed (2 turns) - Attacks have a chance to backfire
 Hexed (2 rounds)

Special Properties

Chaotic Catalyst - Consumes Hexed from targets to deal extra damage and cause random damage over time effectsChaotic Catalyst - Consumes Hexed from targets to deal extra damage and cause random damage over time effects
 Chaotic Catalyst
Scarlet Witch-Chaos Shield Chaos Shield Level 6 Scarlet Witch-Probability Field Probability Field Level 9
Stamina Cost: 14% Stamina Cost: 19%
Target: All Allies Target: All
Total Damage: n/a Total Damage: n/a
Cooldown: 3 Rounds Cooldown: 3 Rounds
Starts cooled down
# of Hits: n/a # of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: n/a Hit/Critical: 100%
Type: Buff Magic Type: Buff Debuff Magic

All Allies

Chaos Shield - The next attack will restore health instead of causing damage; Many harmful status effects become replaced by their opposite; Has a chance to failChaos Shield - The next attack will restore health instead of causing damage; Many harmful status effects become replaced by their opposite; Has a chance to fail
 Chaos Shield (1 round)
70% chance

Special Properties

Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects


Probability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemiesProbability Field - Creates random buffs on all allies and random debuffs on all enemies
 Probability Field

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Scarlet Witch Transian Unlocked ?