Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Ultimate Spider-Man Icon 1 Ultimate Spider-Man Articles and Topics:

Infiltratoricon  Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man
Base Stats
Health: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   117
Stamina: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   143
Attack: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   26
Defense: Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02 Bar02   23
Accuracy: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02 Bar02   26
Evasion: Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar01 Bar02   29
Cost and Requirements:
Gender: Agent Male Gender Male
Carries Metal? No

Avengers All-New, All-Different Avengers, Avengers Avengers, Way of the Spider Large Spider-Army

This alternate Ultimate Spider-Man is Miles Morales. He was also bitten by a radioactive spider which gave him abilities similar to our own Spider-Man. Miles initially refused to become a Super Hero, wishing to live a normal life, but after he witnessed the death of his predecessor, he decided to use his abilities to help others and live to the very mantra that is seems most Spiders live by, that with great power comes great responsibility.
Ultimate Spider-Man-Ultimate Webbing Ultimate Webbing Ultimate Spider-Man-Venom Sting Venom Sting Level 2
Stamina Cost: 9% Stamina Cost: 18%
Target: One Enemy Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 696 - 978 Total Damage: 625 - 749
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: n/a
# of Hits: 3 # of Hits: 1
Hit/Critical: 88% / 7% Hit/Critical: 88% / 11%
Type: Ranged Type: Melee Electric Energy Bio

One Enemy

Webbed (2 rounds) - Reduces Evasion; Attacks do 20% less damage and cannot crit; A second application of Webbed applies Tangled Web; A third application of Webbed applies in Binding WebWebbed (2 rounds) - Reduces Evasion; Attacks do 20% less damage and cannot crit; A second application of Webbed applies Tangled Web; A third application of Webbed applies in Binding Web
 Webbed (2 rounds)

Special Properties

Bio Attack - Does not work against mechanical targetsBio Attack - Does not work against mechanical targets
 Bio Attack
Stealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilitiesStealthy - Does not trigger counter-attacks or protect abilities

One Enemy

Envenomed (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Reduces Attack; Counts as Poison for other effectsEnvenomed (2 rounds) - Taking damage every turn; Reduces Attack; Counts as Poison for other effects
 Envenomed (2 rounds)
Incapacitation (3 rounds) - Chance to lose a turn; Counts as Stun for actions that affect those targetsIncapacitation (3 rounds) - Chance to lose a turn; Counts as Stun for actions that affect those targets
 Incapacitation (2 rounds)
Straining (2 rounds) - Losing Stamina every round or after performing hostile actions; Lowers Evasion; This effect can be applied 3 timesStraining (2 rounds) - Losing Stamina every round or after performing hostile actions; Lowers Evasion; This effect can be applied 3 times
 Straining (2 rounds)
Ultimate Spider-Man-Ultimate Combo Ultimate Combo Level 6 Ultimate Spider-Man-Web Bomb Web Bomb Level 9
Stamina Cost: 27% Stamina Cost: 55%
Target: One Enemy Target: All Enemies
Total Damage: 1060 - 1375 Total Damage: 413 - 619
Cooldown: n/a Cooldown: 4 Rounds
starts cooled down
# of Hits: 5 # of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 88% / 11% Hit/Critical: 100% / 100%
Type: Unarmed Melee Type: Energy Ranged

Special Properties

Deadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hitsDeadly Crits - Deals extra damage on critical hits
 Deadly Crits
Exploit Webbing - Deals extra damage against webbed targetsExploit Webbing - Deals extra damage against webbed targets
 Exploit Webbing
Exploits Stun - Deals extra damage against Stunned targetsExploits Stun - Deals extra damage against Stunned targets
 Exploits Stun

One Enemy

Combo Setup (3 turns) - The next unarmed attack against this target deals extra damageCombo Setup (3 turns) - The next unarmed attack against this target deals extra damage
 Combo Setup (2 rounds)

Special Properties

Catastrophic - Can't be Protected against; Ignores most Avoidance effects; Guaranteed to hitCatastrophic - Can't be Protected against; Ignores most Avoidance effects; Guaranteed to hit
Guaranteed Crit - This attack will crit if possibleGuaranteed Crit - This attack will crit if possible
 Guaranteed Crit

All Enemies

Stun (1 turn) - Loses next turn; Reduced chance to dodgeStun (1 turn) - Loses next turn; Reduced chance to dodge
 Stun (1 turn)


Kicks Like a Mule (2 turns) - Lose next turnKicks Like a Mule (2 turns) - Lose next turn
 Kicks Like a Mule (2 turns)

For information regarding Heroes' Leveling costs and requirements, refer to this page.
Information above may only be accurate to the Facebook Version.
Actions, Effects, and Stats may or may not differ from the Mobile Version as majority of the Heroes are still on their older Patch versions. Stats are based on Agent level 2. Action Stats are based on a hero without Iso-8, Empowered Iso-8, and Augmented Iso-8 socketed. Total Damage/Healing is based on Agent Level 300.
Please do not change the data into the Mobile Version with the exception of adding the Mobile Version's Cost and Requirements.

Character-Restricted Empowered ISO-8[]

Character-Restricted Augmented ISO-8[]


Patch History[]

Team-Up Bonuses[]

For a complete list of Ultimate Spider-Man's Team-Up Bonuses, see Ultimate Spider-Man/Team-Up Bonuses.

Ultimate Spider-Man has the following Team-Up Bonuses:

  • All-New: Members of the All-New, All-Different Avengers
  • Arachnophobia: Any spider-themed pair
  • Arena Survivor: Heroes who survived The Arena
  • Not of This Earth: Heroes not from this reality
  • Pro-Precog: Characters for Precognitive Justice
  • Street Level: Heroes who fight in the street
  • Superfan: Heroes with a love for superheroes
  • Swingers: Heroes that swing into action
  • Toxic Personality: Characters known for using poisons
  • Web Warriors: Spiders from other worlds


For all Images, Artwork, and Icons (Original and Alternate Uniform versions), see Ultimate Spider-Man/Gallery.
