Hello agents,
Most of us like to share our achievments on the game here on the Wikia. The heroes you've recruited, the PvP leagues you got, the gears you have.
Of course, no one will use texts to show this information, everybody prefers images.
The problem is that the Wikia is becoming flooded with "Hero Collection" images. Futhermore, these images get outdated really fast, so users will have to upload another image over and over again. Remember, we don't have unlimited space here (like Facebook groups may have) and personal images makes it harder to organize the related/official images in our wikia database.
So, there are two clever solutions to you guys show what you got!
- Use external hosting sites
- Use our templates
- This way, you will use the images that are already hosted here.
How to use the wikia templates[]
First, don't be afraid of the "Source Mode" while you're posting or editing pages, you'll get used to it even if you don't know anything about HTML codes.
"There will be two tabs at the top of the page. You will want to click on the one that says source. This will contain a lot of code and text that you have typed while in the visual mode." (by Docbobm)
In this tutotial, I'll use the "Source mode" as much as I can but you can also do it from "Visual mode". On the right lower side of editing page, you may find a link to "Add other templates", when you click on it you'll have to type the name of the template you want; a box will come up where you set the parameters (I'll explain them better on this post). After that, hit enter and it puts a puzzle piece on the page which represents your template, you acn use the "Preview" button to check if everything is correct. (Thanks again Docbobm for the hint)
I will start with the Recruits template, but there are many others templates to use that show different content (like Completed Events or PvP results, explained below) or show the same content in a different way (like RecruitsVar1).
Please take a look in all our List of User templates and choose your favorite. The template page explains how it works, it might be complicated on the very first time, but it will be really easy after you understand the basics.
Using the Recuits template[]
So, click on the "Edit profile" button of your user page, then go to the source mode.
Don't panic, if you get lost, go to our Help page.
To use the Recruits template you need to add the following code:
{{recruits |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> |<hero> = <#> (...) }}
But, you will replace <hero> with the name of the heroes and <#> with the number of the uniform of that hero (1 for the default, 2 for the first alternative unifrom released, 3 for the second alternative uniform released).
For example, if you have:
Mark 5 Armor Iron Man, Grey Suit Black Widow, Heroic Age Hawkeye, Original Ms. Marvel, Future Found. Invisible Woman, She-Hulk, P5 Clyclops, Iron Fist, Claws Black Cat, Modern Sif, P5 Colossus, Luke Cage, Modern Dr. Strange, Future Found. Mr. Fantastic, Shadowcat Kitty, Spider-Woman, Annihilus Human Torch, Future Found. Think, War Machine, Daredevil, Blue Quicksilver, Classic Storm, White Phoenix, Swashbuckler Nightcrawler and Classic Spider-Man
Your text will be:
{{recruits |ironman = 2 |blackwidow = 2 |hawkeye = 2 |msmarvel = 2 |inviswoman = 2 |shehulk = 1 |cyclops = 2 |ironfist = 1 |blackcat = 2 |sif = 2 |colossus = 3 |lukecage = 1 |drstrange = 2 |mrfantastic = 2 |kitty = 2 |spiderwoman = 1 |humantorch = 2 |think = 2 |warmachine = 1 |daredevil = 1 |quicksilver = 2 |storm = 2 |phoenix = 2 |nightcrawler = 2 |spiderman = 1 }}
The result will be:
Heroes Recruited | |||||||||||
- the order of the characters doesn't matter.
- if you put a name without a value after the equality sign, the character will still appear as "not recuited" (with the opacitty effect).
Informing the hero level[]
In this template is possible to insert the level of your heroes.
For example: Iron Man is level 11, Black Widow is level 13, Ms Marvel is level 9, Human Torch is level 8, Daredevil is level 12 and Sif is level 3.
For that, add the following text within the curly brackets :
|ironmanLVL = 11 |msmarvelLVL = 9 |sifLVL = 3 |humantorchLVL = 8 |daredevilLVL = 12 |blackwidowLVL = 13
Heroes Recruited | |||||||||||
- you don't need to put the level of every char.
The "ready to go" template[]
You may be too lazy to write down all these names and numbers... Well, I'm starting to get too lazy to erase all these useless images and tell people what they should do, that's why I'm spending this time writing this all.
So, to make things REALLY EASY, I've written all parameters that you have to fill. You just need to put the corresponding numbers.
{{Template:Recruits |abomb = |adamwarlock = |agentvenom = |amazingspiderwoman = |angel = |angela = |antivenom = |antman = |ares = |avalanche = |baronmordo = |beetle = |beast = |betaraybill = |bishop = |blackcat = |blade = |blackbolt = |blackknight = |blackpanther = |blackwidow = |blizzard = |bluemarvel = |boomerang = |cable = |capamerica = |capbritain = |cammi = |cannonball = |chasestein = |cloakanddagger = |colleenwing = |colossus = |constrictor = |cyclops = |crystal = |daimon = |daredevil = |deadpool = |deathlocket = |deathlok = |destroyer = |domino = |drax = |drdoom = |drstrange = |drvoodoo = |electro = |elektra = |elsabloodstone = |emmafrost = |enchantress = |faizahussain = |falcon = |fandral = |fantomex = |fixer = |gambit = |gamora = |ghostrider = |gorgon = |groot = |hankpym = |havok = |hawkeye = |heimdall = |hellcat = |hercules = |hogun = |howardtheduck = |hulk = |hybrid = |hyperion = |humantorch = |iceman = |inviswoman = |ironfist = |ironman = |jessicajones = |juggernaut = |kamalakhan = |kang = |karnak = |karolinadean = |katebishop = |kazar = |kittypryde = |knightamerica = |kraven = |lizard = |loki = |lukecage = |magik = |magneto = |mantis = |medusa = |mistyknight = |mockingbird = |mollyhayes = |moonknight = |moondragon = |moonstone = |morbius = |mrfantastic = |msmarvel = |nicominoru = |nightcrawler = |nova = |omegasentinel = |phoenix = |phylavell = |psylocke = |punisher = |quake = |quicksilver = |redhulk = |redshehulk = |rescue = |richardrider = |rocketraccoon = |rogue = |ronan = |sabretooth = |sandman = |satana = |scarletwitch = |shanna = |shatterstar = |shehulk = |shocker = |sif = |silk = |songbird = |spidergirl = |spidergwen = |spiderman = |spiderman2099 = |spidermannoir = |spiderwoman = |spiral = |spitfire = |squirrelgirl = |storm = |sunfire = |starlord = |superiorspiderman = |taskmaster = |thane = |thing = |thor = |thorjanefoster = |thundra = |tigra = |ultimatespiderman = |unionjack = |valkyrie = |victormancha = |vision = |volstagg = |warmachine = |wasp = |whitetiger = |wintersoldier = |wolverine = |wonderman = |x-23 = |abombLVL = |adamwarlockLVL = |agentvenomLVL = |amazingspiderwomanLVL = |angelLVL = |angelaLVL = |antivenomLVL = |antmanLVL = |aresLVL = |avalancheLVL = |baronmordoLVL = |beastLVL = |beetleLVL = |betaraybillLVL = |bishopLVL = |blackcatLVL = |bladeLVL = |blackboltLVL = |blackknightLVL = |blackpantherLVL = |blackwidowLVL = |blizzardLVL = |bluemarvelLVL = |boomerangLVL = |cableLVL = |capamericaLVL = |capbritainLVL = |cammiLVL = |cannonballLVL = |chasesteinLVL = |cloakanddaggerLVL = |colleenwingLVL = |colossusLVL = |constrictorLVL = |cyclopsLVL = |crystalLVL = |daimonLVL = |daredevilLVL = |deadpoolLVL = |deathlocketLVL = |deathlokLVL = |destroyerLVL = |dominoLVL = |draxLVL = |drdoomLVL = |drstrangeLVL = |drvoodooLVL = |electroLVL = |elektraLVL = |elsabloodstoneLVL = |emmafrostLVL = |enchantressLVL = |faizahussainLVL = |falconLVL = |fandralLVL = |fantomexLVL = |fixerLVL = |gambitLVL = |gamoraLVL = |ghostriderLVL = |gorgonLVL = |grootLVL = |hankpymLVL = |havokLVL = |hawkeyeLVL = |heimdallLVL = |hellcatLVL = |herculesLVL = |hogunLVL = |howardtheduckLVL = |hulkLVL = |hybridLVL = |hyperionLVL = |humantorchLVL = |icemanLVL = |inviswomanLVL = |ironfistLVL = |ironmanLVL = |jessicajonesLVL = |juggernautLVL = |kamalakhanLVL = |kangLVL = |karnakLVL = |karolinadeanLVL = |katebishopLVL = |kazarLVL = |kittyprydeLVL = |knightamericaLVL = |kravenLVL = |lizardLVL = |lokiLVL = |lukecageLVL = |magikLVL = |magnetoLVL = |mantisLVL = |medusaLVL = |mistyknightLVL = |mockingbirdLVL = |mollyhayesLVL = |moonknightLVL = |moondragonLVL = |moonstoneLVL = |morbiusLVL = |mrfantasticLVL = |msmarvelLVL = |nicominoruLVL = |nightcrawlerLVL = |novaLVL = |omegasentinelLVL = |phoenixLVL = |phylavellLVL = |psylockeLVL = |punisherLVL = |quakeLVL = |quicksilverLVL = |redhulkLVL = |redshehulkLVL = |rescueLVL = |richardriderLVL = |rocketraccoonLVL = |rogueLVL = |ronanLVL = |sabretoothLVL = |sandmanLVL = |satanaLVL = |scarletwitchLVL = |shannaLVL = |shatterstarLVL = |shehulkLVL = |shockerLVL = |sifLVL = |silkLVL = |songbirdLVL = |spidergirlLVL = |spidergwenLVL = |spidermanLVL = |spiderman2099LVL = |spidermannoirLVL = |spiderwomanLVL = |spiralLVL = |spitfireLVL = |squirrelgirlLVL = |stormLVL = |sunfireLVL = |starlordLVL = |superiorspidermanLVL = |taskmasterLVL = |thaneLVL = |thingLVL = |thorLVL = |thorjanefosterLVL = |thundraLVL = |tigraLVL = |ultimatespidermanLVL = |unionjackLVL = |valkyrieLVL = |victormanchaLVL = |visionLVL = |volstaggLVL = |warmachineLVL = |waspLVL = |whitetigerLVL = |wintersoldierLVL = |wolverineLVL = |wondermanLVL = |x-23LVL = }}
To be honest, the text can be inserted on the "Visual mode", but only edited on the "Source mode", so I encourage you to get used to it.
If you haven't recuited the hero yet or don't want to inform the level your your heroes, leave it blank.
Using the PVP template[]
A really simple template.
{{PVP |season = |league = |percentile = |rating = |attacks = |wins = |loses = }}
How to fill it:
- For the "league", put the word silver, gold, diamond, vibranium, or adamantium.
- On the others parameters, fill with numbers, according to your data.
- "attacks" parameter is optional.
Putting them side by side[]
If you use this template various times, the boxes will be placed one bellow the other. It's better if you organized them side by side. To that, we're going to change the vertical align.
{| |valign=top| |{{PVP |season = 2 |league = diamond |percentile = 12.3 |rating = 879 |wins = 25 |loses = 20 |}} |{{PVP |season = 6 |league = adamantium |percentile = 0.2 |rating = 1956 |attacks = 2000 |wins = 1500 |loses = 1000 |}} |{{PVP |season = 7 |league = vibranium |percentile = 3 |rating = 1247 |wins = 80 |loses = 60 |}} |}
Template variaton:
{{PVPMini |season = 2 |league = diamond |percentile = 12.3 |rating = 879 |wins = 25 |loses = 20 |}}
Tournament S2
{{PVP2 |season = 2 |league = diamond |ranking = 12563 |rating = 879 |wins = 25 |loses = 20 |}}
Tournament Season 2
Using the CompletedEvents template[]
Oh, I love this template. It started with one ideia of mine and was efficiently transformed into a template by Dark M clowN. It's meant to resume your progress on the SpecOps, PvP tournaments and Collections.
{{CompletedEvents |chapter1.1 = |chapter1.2 = |chapter1.3 = |chapter1.4 = |chapter1.5 = |chapter1.6 = |chapter1.7 = |chapter1.8 = |chapter1.9 = |chapter1.10 = |chapter1.11 = |chapter1.12 = |season2rank = |so1 = |so2 = |so3 = |so4 = |so5 = |so6 = |so7 = |so8 = |so9 = |so10 = |so11 = |so12 = |so13 = |so14 = |so15 = |so16 = |so17 = |so18 = |so19 = |so20 = |so21 = |so22 = |so23 = |so24 = |so25 = |so26 = |so27 = |so28 = |so29 = |so30 = |so31 = |so32 = |so33 = |so34 = |so35 = |so36 = |pvp1 = |pvp2 = |pvp3 = |pvp4 = |pvp5 = |pvp6 = |pvp7 = |pvp8 = |pvp9 = |pvp10 = |pvp11 = |pvp12 = |pvp13 = |pvp14 = |pvp15 = |pvp16 = |pvp17 = |pvp18 = |pvp19 = |pvp20 = |pvp21 = |pvp22 = |pvp23 = |pvp24 = |pvp25 = |pvp26 = |pvp27 = |pvp28 = |pvp29 = |pvp30 = |pvp31 = |pvp32 = |lockbox1 = |lockbox2 = |lockbox3 = |lockbox4 = |lockbox5 = |lockbox6 = |lockbox7 = |lockbox8 = |lockbox9 = |lockbox10 = |lockbox11 = |lockbox12 = |lockbox13 = |lockbox14 = |lockbox15 = |lockbox16 = |lockbox17 = |lockbox18 = |lockbox19 = |lockbox20 = |lockbox21 = |lockbox22 = |lockbox23 = |lockbox24 = |lockbox25 = |lockbox26 = |lockbox27 = |lockbox28 = |lockbox29 = |lockbox30 = }}
How to fill it:
- For the Season 1 Chapters("chapter1.1", "chapter"1.2", etc), SpecOps ("so1", "so2"...) and Collections ("lockbox1", "lockbox2"...), put 1 or y if you have complete it, leave it blank if you haven't.
- For the Season 2 Rank ("season2rank") put the number of your current rank (0 to 12).
- For the PvP tournaments ("pvp1", "pvp2", etc), put the league that you finished each season: silver, gold, diamond, vibranium, or adamantium. If you haven't participated of a season, remove the corresponding parameter from the text or leave it blank.
{{CompletedEvents |chapter1.1 = 1 |chapter1.2 = |chapter1.3 = y |chapter1.6 = 1 |chapter1.7 = 1 |chapter1.8 = |chapter1.11 = 1 |chapter1.12 = |season2rank = 8 |so1 = |so2 = 1 |so3 = |so4 = 1 |so5 = 1 |so6 = 1 |so7 = 1 |so8 = |pvp1 = diamond |pvp3 = silver |pvp4 = vibranium |pvp5 = gold |pvp6 = adamantium |lockbox1 = 1 |lockbox2 = |lockbox5 = 1 }}
Season 1 Chapters | |||||||||||
Season 2 Chapters | |||||||||||
Special Operations | |||||||||||
PVP Tournaments | |||||||||||
Collections | |||||||||||
Template variaton:
{{CompletedEvents2 |chapter1.1 = 1 |chapter1.2 = |chapter1.3 = y |chapter1.6 = 1 |chapter1.7 = 1 |chapter1.8 = |chapter1.11 = 1 |chapter1.12 = |season2rank = 8 |so1 = |so2 = 1 |so3 = |so4 = 1 |so5 = 1 |so6 = 1 |so7 = 1 |so8 = |pvp1 = diamond |pvp3 = silver |pvp4 = vibranium |pvp5 = gold |pvp6 = adamantium |lockbox1 = 1 |lockbox2 = |lockbox5 = 1 }}
Season 1 Chapters | |||||||||||
Season 2 Chapters | |||||||||||
Special Operations | |||||||||||
PVP Torunaments | |||||||||||
Collections | |||||||||||
If you have any doubt or suggestion, please share on the coments.
Have fun!