A little guide about synergy
What is SYNERGY? "Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects." Actually, is much like shipping. If the characters have synergy, your OTP soon or later will become canon. Synergy is something you need in your team to use the full potential of your heroes. Now, let's roll. This is a work in progress, your opinion is important so fell free to comment. (REMEMBER: When I made these lists, I think about who will support the title's hero. You wouldn't see Cap. America on Wanda's review because she don't need him, but he needs her to stay dodging and healing.)
- 1 Blasters
- 1.1 Cable
- 1.2 Dr.Strange
- 1.3 Havok
- 1.4 Human Torch
- 1.5 Iron Man
- 1.6 Ms.Marvel
- 1.7 Phoenix
- 1.…
My PvP and PvE Journal
I will keep this journal of my PvP and PvE plays until the end of PvP Season 2. I'll try to keep track of my CP farming, Daily Bonus Roulette and PvP fights. I'll use the tips I wrote here, so I'll put the theory on practice. If you see something you don't agree, just leave a comment and we can talk about it, your feedback is important, so don't be shy.
- 1 Agent Info
- 2 Heroes
- 3 Journal
- 3.1 Day 1 (Remaining 18 days)
- 3.1.1 PvP
- 3.1.2 PvE
- 3.2 Day 2 (Remaining 17 days)
- 3.2.1 PvP
- 3.2.2 PvE
- 3.3 Day 3 (Remaining 16 days)
- 3.3.1 PvP
- 3.3.2 PvE
- 3.4 Day 5 (Remaining 14 days)
- 3.4.1 PvP
- 3.4.2 PvE
- 3.5 Day 6 (Remaining 13 days)
- 3.5.1 PvP
- 3.5.2 PvE
- 3.6 Day 7 (Remaining 12 days)
- 3.6.1 PvP
- 3.6.2 PvE
- 3.1 Day 1 (Remaining 18 days)
- PvP Rating:1,146
- League:Vibranium
Win Ratio: 7/10
AFK Results: -32 Rating
Top 3 Heroes: Captain America, Dr. …
Strange guide to low and mid level PvP
As a mid level PvP player, I had some problems determining the best use my Command Points and what strategy to use. I'm making this post as a guide with some tips for beginners about strategy, teams and command point use. Your feedback is welcome.
- 1 About the Agent
- 2 Roles
- 3 Team Strategy
- 4 Heroes
- 4.1 Tacticians
- 4.1.1 Tactician Guide
- 4.2 Blasters
- 4.2.1 Blaster Tips
- 4.3 Bruiser
- 4.3.1 Bruiser tips
- 4.4 Scrapper
- 4.4.1 Scrapper Tips
- 4.5 Infiltrator
- 4.5.1 Infiltrator Tips
- 4.1 Tacticians
- 5 Last tips
I've made some tiers for the Agents. Low level Agents are Agents with 3 or fewer gear slots and 2 armory pages. Something between level 25 and 45. A mid level Agent, like me, has 3 or 4 gear slots and 3 armory pages. A high level Agent is what most of us M:AA players want to be. Four gear slots, …