Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki

Potkettleblack Potkettleblack 7 September 2016

The Why of It - Alliance Disassembled by the Numbers

In touring around the various outpourings from the community here, on twitter, on other pages and on Youtube, one thing that has struck me is the belief that there was no reason to shut down our game because of the disappointing results of the sequel. I find that puzzling, as I've been saying for the last year that the end was nigh. I offer my data, so you can judge for yourself. 

My data is based on PVP rankings and percentiles. I've kept pretty good data on my PVP finishes over the years, with a few exceptions. I have an estimate of my rating in the Deadpool tournament, based largely on memory. I rated in the 0.0% (and they didn't go to two decimals until the 6th tournament), so that's a bit squinky (could be 942K, could be 4.71 Million).…

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Potkettleblack Potkettleblack 4 September 2016

PKB's Farewell Tour - Completion

We're all dealing with this in different ways. I've decided to follow the lead of @TheRavenHeart and play through the entire game from Season 1, Chapter 1, Mission 1 - The Hydra's Tail to Season 2, Chapter 12, Mission 3 - Serpent Strike. I didn't think there was a more fitting way than to take a final lap through the game, enjoy all of Alex Irvine's writing, all of the coding of the team, all of Sam Wood's, Kelly Hamilton's, Leigh Kellogg's and more's art. 

I'm also leveling off my last heroes. I intend to leave the game with all heroes leveled to L15. I am considering posting all of my ISO builds for every hero. Seems a TON of work, but might be worth doing. I might spend my 23 million coins throwing ISO on every alt. I have 400+ gold, 500…

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Potkettleblack Potkettleblack 2 September 2016

Avengers Disassembled - The End

I'm not sure where to begin. I suppose at the beginning. On April 12th of 2012, I noticed a post on Facebook from a high school friend of mine about a relatively new game based on Marvel. I hadn't picked up a comic book since 1994. Yeah, nearly 20 years. But maybe with 40 closing in and having ended a two year affair with the, in retrospect, completely stupid Mafia Wars. I'd tried a few other FB games, like Castle Age and a card based MMA game, but something about Marvel spoke to me a bit, even though I had no intention of seeing the Avengers movie.

I had a large comic habit in high school and college. And while I looked at DC, Image and other indy book, it really was always Make Mine Marvel. My first comic that I can remember was Sgt Fury …

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Potkettleblack Potkettleblack 6 July 2016

PKB on PVP 31: Living the Low Volume Life

Decided to memorialize this tournament with a blog. Don't have any great love for Songbird, or any strong opinion at all. Feeling a lot of MAApathy lately, as I've been playing Galaxy of Heroes a bit more and spending more time on work and cooking. I don't know that I'm close to giving up the game, but there have been weekends where I didn't play at all. At any rate, the goal here is to win top prizes with minimal volume. Like below 5/day volume. Ordinarily, I would not pass on five a day, but with no lockbox, no construction task and nothing on the daily spin I want, why should I do five if I don't have to and don't want to do so?

Yep. On offense, it's the same old Age of Ultron Blaster Visio…

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Potkettleblack Potkettleblack 19 May 2015

AI Programming - PVP Primer

Haven't written one of these in a while, but the most recent patch has caused enough consternation that I thought I'd write a blog post that I had intended to write a couple years ago. In fact, I thought I had written in, but searching through the archive, I can't find it. 

At any rate, one of the main problems of setting up defensive PVP is understanding what your agent and your toons will do. There are two sides to that understanding, agent and toons. I once had the idea of breaking down toon "logic," but it proved to be too large a task, back when there were about 45 heroes (aka a long time ago in a galaxy far away). Rather than write an encyclopedia of rules for heroes involving weeks of code diving (maybe we can setup a group task at s…

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