There's been a lot of interest, it seems, in ISO strategy, so, I thought I'd go a bit deeper and show you mine. I do not profess to be a master of ISO strategy, as it's personal your style of play. As you know, my style for most characters involves fast aggression and tries to avoid prolonged fights. Let's kick off this new feature with some P5 suits. I have earned Magik and purchased Cyclops (tactian), Emma (tactician), Phoenix (tactician), and Colossus (bruiser... betcha thought I was gonna say tactician). This is part 1... Cyke and Emma, sitting in a tree...
Basic Cyclops is like a weak Captain America (which makes sense... 15 CP versus 90 CP). He's pretty balanced, with Evasion lacking a bit, so, once upon a time, I had a dream of keeping that balance and putting five bars in all stats, or at least everything but Evasion. Well, I did that on Basic Cyclops, and this is what I got:
Which wasn't bad, especially since he can boost his own evasion. That got me thinking though. Maybe unbalanced would be better.
What I came up with:
- 4x Robust
- 2x Masterful
- 2x Steady
What I've done is gotten more Health and Stamina, more ATK at the cost of Defense I don't really want to use, and Evasion, which he self-boosts. I could tweak this a bit to reduce the Health or the Stamina and convert to some improvement to attack and accuracy. If only there were a non-gold buy ATK-ACC crystal without health or stamina.
Emma Frost[]
With Emma, I wanted to boost her damage, health and accuracy, with assumptions that her damage would be primary and her stamina wouldn't be much of an issue. So, 4x Steady, then 4x Chaotic (to build everything evenly). That wound up looking like this:
As I've played Emma more, I've decided that those Chaotic crystals were a waste of time. Her Diamond Body takes care of a lot of her defense, and she's got decent stamina to start with, and unless you like to spam her Mental Trauma skill, you will not run out of stamina (oh, and she can refill stamina with Unlock Potential). So, a revised build uses:
- 6x Steady
- 1x Sturdy
- 1x Focused
And it looks like this:
I wanted to build her Defense a touch, to reduce damage when the diamond body doesn't fire (or has already fired), but mostly I want her to hit and crit and apply stun with her War Diamond. I'm not really concerned with her damage on her L1 skill (as I don't believe her ATK effects the Mental Trauma damage), but I also like the L9 skill to hurt. But connecting with both hits of the War Diamond is important to me.
Part 2 will cover Colossus (Bruiser) and Phoenix (Tactician) and will be coming shortly. I'm sure you can understand that there are fairly labor intensive to assemble, so will respect that I can't chunk all 37 characters, with alt suits into one post. Let's go slow, right?