Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Effect BG 3 BlueEffect Icon 053
  Vibranium Body
Passive Attack Buff
 Reflects damage back to attackers
 Chance to cause Pressure Points to all attackers when attacked
 Immune to Obsolete Tech, Poisoned, Bleeding, Shred, Stun and Psychic Attacks
 Very high crits resistance
 Takes reduced damage
Related / Similar Effects:
Adamantium Body - Immune to Poison, Bleeding, Stun, and Psychic AttacksAdamantium Body - Immune to Poison, Bleeding, Stun, and Psychic Attacks
 Adamantium Body
Amazing Spider-Sense - Chance to Evade and apply DizzyAmazing Spider-Sense - Chance to Evade and apply Dizzy
 Amazing Spider-Sense
Breaker of Stone - All single-target attacks apply Shield Breaker; Immune to Stun and Immobilized; High chance to resist critical hitsBreaker of Stone - All single-target attacks apply Shield Breaker; Immune to Stun and Immobilized; High chance to resist critical hits
 Breaker of Stone
Cybernetic - Immune to Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, and Obsolete Tech; Very high crit resistanceCybernetic - Immune to Bleeding, Burning, Chilled, and Obsolete Tech; Very high crit resistance
Determined - Resistant to Stun and Incapacitation; Immune to Fear effectsDetermined - Resistant to Stun and Incapacitation; Immune to Fear effects
Mystical Construct - Immune to Bleeding, Immobilized, Poisoned, and Stun; Immune to Delirium, Fear, Morale, and Psychic effects; Immune to Bio and Psychic attacksMystical Construct - Immune to Bleeding, Immobilized, Poisoned, and Stun; Immune to Delirium, Fear, Morale, and Psychic effects; Immune to Bio and Psychic attacks
 Mystical Construct
Positive Pym Protocol - Positive Reinforcement Protocol programmed into Hank Pym's Life Model DecoysPositive Pym Protocol - Positive Reinforcement Protocol programmed into Hank Pym's Life Model Decoys
 Positive Pym Protocol
Serpent Spider Serum - Immune to Poisoned, Radiation, and Bio effects; Immune to Psychic and Delirium effectsSerpent Spider Serum - Immune to Poisoned, Radiation, and Bio effects; Immune to Psychic and Delirium effects
 Serpent Spider Serum
Unstoppable - Grants a Momentum every round; Stamina is restored every round; Immune to Stun and ImmobilizedUnstoppable - Grants a Momentum every round; Stamina is restored every round; Immune to Stun and Immobilized
Will of Doom - Immune to Stun and ExhaustionWill of Doom - Immune to Stun and Exhaustion
 Will of Doom
Woven Vibranium - Chance when attacked by melee to take half damage and cause Dizzy to attackersWoven Vibranium - Chance when attacked by melee to take half damage and cause Dizzy to attackers
 Woven Vibranium
This Effect is a part of:
Enemy-Only Effects
Vibranium Body
Passive Attack Buff
Effect BG 3 BlueVibranium Body
 Reflects damage back to attackers
 Chance to cause Pressure Points to all attackers when attacked
 Immune to Obsolete Tech, Poisoned, Bleeding, Shred, Stun and Psychic Attacks
 Very high crits resistance
 Takes reduced damage


Vibranium Reflection
Target: One Enemy
# of Hits: 4
Type: Sonic

Special Properties

Guaranteed Hit - 100% chance to hit..Guaranteed Hit - 100% chance to hit..
 Guaranteed Hit
Subtle - Does not trigger most status effectsSubtle - Does not trigger most status effects

All Enemies

Pressure Points - Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed or WeakenedPressure Points - Has a chance to cause Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed or Weakened
 Pressure Points 50% chance



Name Ability
Ultimate Ultron Icon
 Ultimate Ultron
