Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
This Gear is Reforgeable
Vigilante Toolkit
Vigilante Toolkit

—Image © Marvel and Playdom
Gear Stats
Power Level: Agent level +5
PVP Bonus:  +12027 OFF
 +24057 DEF
Availability and Requirements:
Gold icon Cost: 64
Silver-icon Sell: 250
Research: Vigilante Toolkit
Limited Edition Dates:
June 12, 2015 - June 16, 2015
Vigilante Toolkit This Gear is Reforgeable

+12027 OFF   +24057 DEF

Vigilante Toolkit
Pwr Lvl: Agent level +5 Stamina: n/a
Damage: n/a Hit/Crit: n/a
Hits: n/a
Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.


Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired


  • Power level is set by Agent Level when acquired
Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.Multi-Function - Can be used to perform different actions.


  • Can be used to perform different actions.


Retractable Claw Retractable Claw
Stamina Cost: 22%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 860 - 1026
# of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 82% / 7%
Type: Melee Slashing Tech

Special Properties

Adamantium - Attacks ignore the defense stat; Attacks do not bypass shieldsAdamantium - Attacks ignore the defense stat; Attacks do not bypass shields
Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired
Paragon Exploiter - Deals extra damage against targets with Combo Setup, Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Stunned or WeakenedParagon Exploiter - Deals extra damage against targets with Combo Setup, Dizzy, Exposed, Slowed, Stunned or Weakened
 Paragon Exploiter


Feral Stance (3 rounds) - 50% chance to counter single-target and area attacks with Retractable ClawsFeral Stance (3 rounds) - 50% chance to counter single-target and area attacks with Retractable Claws
 Feral Stance (3 Rounds)

Retractable Claw Holographic Shield
Stamina Cost: 22%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 743 - 885
# of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 82% / 7%
Type: Ranged Tech

Special Properties

Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired

One Enemy

Dizzy (3 rounds) - Accuracy reduced by 25%Dizzy (3 rounds) - Accuracy reduced by 25%
 Dizzy (3 rounds)
Exposed (3 rounds) - Defense reduced by 25%Exposed (3 rounds) - Defense reduced by 25%
 Exposed (3 rounds)


Selfless Defender (3 rounds) - Protects allies from single target or area attacksSelfless Defender (3 rounds) - Protects allies from single target or area attacks
 Selfless Defender (3 Rounds)

Retractable Claw Wrist Slinger
Stamina Cost: 11%
Target: One Enemy
Total Damage: 637 - 755
# of Hits: n/a
Hit/Critical: 82% / 7%
Type: Ranged Tech

Special Properties

Customized - Power is set by Agent level when acquiredCustomized - Power is set by Agent level when acquired

One Enemy

Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%Slowed (3 rounds) - Evasion reduced by 25%
 Slowed (3 rounds)
Weakened (3 rounds) - Attack reduced by 25%Weakened (3 rounds) - Attack reduced by 25%
 Weakened (3 rounds)


Arachnid Agility (3 rounds) - 50% chance to avoid melee and ranged attacksArachnid Agility (3 rounds) - 50% chance to avoid melee and ranged attacks
 Arachnid Agility (3 Rounds)


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Due to the stats having a difference between players depending on their Agent's Level and Equipment,
Gear stats in the Wiki are now based on a Level 300 Agent equipped with a Generalist's Kevlar Jumpsuit without any Iso-8 slotted on the Uniform and no other items that affect the stats.

Editors must refrain from changing the stats if this is not their Agent setup.

For Customized Gear in addition to the requirements above, editors must have their Customized Gear's Power Level at 300 or greater via Reforging or obtaining the Gear at the required Level. It is recommended to use obtaining gear.
