Marvel: Avengers Alliance Wiki
War Machine Icon 1 War Machine Articles and Topics:
This article is about the playable hero. For the Enemy version, see Iron Patriot Armor.

Recruited Message[]

War Machine Dialogue 1


Seems like the armed forces of the USA ought to have a role in all this.

War Machine stands ready, willing, and able.


Chapter 3 - Enter Doom: Mission 3 - RAID-ical Resolution[]

Mini-Boss - Bulldozer[]

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Oh, the big bad US Army. I coulda been in the Army. I'da been a general by now. Bulldozer:
Bulldozer Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
It’s been a long time since the Army took semiliterate malcontents, Bulldozer. You're obsolete.

Oh yeah? Let's see what's obsolete about my fist in your face! Bulldozer:
Bulldozer Icon


Still think I'm obsolete? Bulldozer:
Bulldozer Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I'm here to make sure of it.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Bulldozer’s never going to make general running like that.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Lock down the area, Agent. The RAID soldiers are still getting orders from somewhere.

Boss - Fixer[]

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War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Fixer, is that you or are you running a robot? I want to know whether I should expect wires or bones when I take you apart.

The tinkering is its own reward, Colonel Rhodes. I’d hate to spoil the surprise for either of us.

When you come apart, I won’t complain about finding bones.

Fixer Icon


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Fixer’s abandoned this construct. He was running it by remote.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Tony, are you picking up anything around here that could be his real location?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
No. Iso-8’s so concentrated inside the UN complex that the instruments are giving me gibberish.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Damn. Well, RAID is falling back and we’ve kept them from getting the Iso-8. Recovery teams are going in. Good work, Agent.

You too, Rhodey.

Chapter 5 - Gods & Monsters: Premium Mission: Hydra Assemble![]

Mini-Boss - Bowman[]

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Target practice. Bowman:
Bowman Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
This target shoots back.

Only until it's dead. Bowman:
Bowman Icon


Target... Bowman:
Bowman Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Bowman is down. We've held onto his equipment.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
We've got a dropship on the way to pick it up. Rhodey, mind escorting it in?

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
On my way.

Mini-Boss - Hammer[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Ersatz Avenger Number Two is Hammer.

Does Hydra think Iso-8 can turn a clone into a Norse god of thunder?

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Who knows? Maybe it can.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Don't get mystical on me, Nick. I'll start to think you're a clone too.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Agent, War Machine here. All systems go.


Forsooth! Dar'st thou face the might of Hammer? Hammer:
Hammer Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Are you kidding me with that lingo? Nobody ever talked like that.

Thou art bold, yet in boldness lie the seeds of a mighty fall. Hammer:
Hammer Icon


The coward learns too late the virtues of courage. Hammer:
Hammer Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
The windbag learns too late the virtues of shutting the hell up.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Did Hydra clone a bunch of bad Shakespearean actors? That was painful.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
You got the hammer?

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I got it. Come get it. Agent, we got two more.

Boss - Militant/Tactical Force[]

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S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers cannot stand against Hydra! Militant:
Militant Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I'm standing right here. Do something about it.

Your odds of winning are zero. Surrender. Tactical Force:
Tactical Force Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
You think I flew all this way to surrender?

Hail Hydra! Militant:
Militant Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Man, am I sick of hearing that.


Your odds of winning are zero. Cut off one head-- Tactical Force:
Tactical Force Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Yeah, I know. Let me cut off the heads and find out for myself.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
We are four-for-four on fake Avengers rendered inoperative.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
A hot streak, War Machine.

Agent, bring Militant's shield to the Helicarrier. We'll pick up Tactical Force and remove the suit.

Nick Fury:
Nick Fury Dialogue
Let's get this mopped up so the UN can get back to doing whatever it does.

Chapter 8 - Dark Rites: Mission 4 - Quis Custodiet[]

Mission Start[]

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Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Curiouser and curiouser. Magneto appears to be getting cold feet about starting more mutant riots.

He must read the blogs. Things have gotten out of hand, even for him. Now he's got Sentinels marching out of the Hudson docks to put down the riots. But as we learned the hard way, Sentinels are blunt instruments. They're putting down the riots, all right, but they're doing lots of other damage too. We need to get them under control. War Machine's in the field with you.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Scouting the Intrepid area now, Agent. I'll meet up with you.

Mini-Boss - Prime Sentinel(s)[]

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War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Riots are dying down because everyone's too afraid of the Sentinels.

These here are Prime-class. I've seen them before.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Not with Iso-8 enhancements, you haven't. Watch your six.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I'm going in.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Iso-8 or no, this ends now.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Prime-class Sentinels, rendered nonfunctional as ordered. Mr. Stark. Sir.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
If I didn't know you to be a man lacking a sense of humor, Rhodey, I'd think you were making fun of me.

Boss - Omega Sentinel[]

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War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Now these I haven't seen before. Tony, my readings are calling out "Omega-class Sentinel". What the hell are those?

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
New, is what they are. They're only in the database because they're mentioned in lab research we recovered.

Leave enough big pieces so we can learn something, if you don't mind.

Mission Complete[]

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Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Let's get these robots back to the Helicarrier for a little analysis and reverse engineering.

We need to see what Magneto's doing with Iso-8.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Then we need to steal the good stuff.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
You wound me, sir. Stark does not steal. It adapts and innovates.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Either way, I think S.H.I.E.L.D. had used Sentinels for the last time.

Chapter 6 - When Opportunity Knocks: Mission 1 - Unknown Intel[]

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Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Rhodey, we're looking at a small-scale war brewing here between A.I.M. and the Circle of 8. How about you make an appearance and shut it down?

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
With prejudice.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
The situation is under control.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
That's what we like to hear.

Chapter 6 - When Opportunity Knocks: Mission 3 - Dark Complications[]

Heroic Battle[]

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Ares Icon 1
So. You call yourself War Machine.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I didn't at first, but yeah. Now I'm kind of used to it.

Ares Icon 1
I have seen war machines in every human age and tested myself against them.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Are you saying what I think you're saying?

Ares Icon 1
It's your turn.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
You can't have my suit. It was a gift.

Ares Icon 1
It will be a trophy.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
So. I call myself War Machine.

Ares Icon 1
It is a name you have earned, James Rhodes. Let us spill blood together sometime.

Special Operations - Ghost in the Machine: Mission 1 - The Big Brains[]

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Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
Rhodey, we need a little extra muscle moving A.I.M. out of the way here. They're moving through the neighborhood blowing transformers to try to shut down Pym's lab.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I'll bring my own personal blackout.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
That's what I was hoping you'd say, pal.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
All set, Tony. I hit the kill switch on that little operation.

Tony Stark:
Tony Stark Dialogue
I knew I could count on you. You're so trustworthy you make me feel bad about myself.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Oh, good. It's working.

Special Operations - Extremis: Mission 2 - Colder War[]

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Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4
Rhodey, we need you to take the Iron Patriot armor out for a shakedown cruise. Just to see if you like it.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Oh, I can tell I'm going to like it.

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4
Me too. Also I need you to strafe an A.I.M. Power Armor repair facility. Piping you the location now.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Yep. I was right. I like it. It strafes real good.

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4
Excellent. Let's get it back on the gantry in the lab so I can do a last few things to it before I send this little baby out into the world.

Mini-Boss - Exoskeletal Battletank[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
A detachment of A.I.M. Power Armor is staging here for an assault. Let's hit them before they hit us.

Be careful. Who knows what kind of upgrades A.I.M. might have installed...

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Nothing I can't handle. I'll fly escort.


You're going down! Exoskeletal Battletank:
Exoskeletal Battletank Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Not unless you brought along an asteroid, pal.

Mini-Boss - Sentinels[]

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Rescue Icon 1
Yes! We did it!

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4
I never doubted you. Rhodey, did you doubt her?

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Heck no. She's had plenty of practice.

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4
Yeah... wait, what?

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Uh... hoo boy.

Rescue Icon 1

I practice with your old suits when you're not around, Tony. Rhodey's been helping.

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4

Rescue Icon 1
I drive your cars, too.

Iron Man:
Iron Man Icon 4
My cars!? Now that's over the line. Remind me to fire you when this is all over.

Special Operations - Apocalypse: Mission 2 - A Team Divided (San Francisco)[]

Mini-Boss - Blob[]

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War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
I hear nobody can move you if you don't want to be moved.

That's about the size of it. Yuk yuk. Blob:
Blob Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Then I'll just have to knock you out where you stand. Maybe we'll build a jail around you.

Nobody's built one yet that can hold me. Not even Max-X. Blob:
Blob Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Next time's always the charm.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Well, he isn't going anywhere, but at least now we can go around him.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
Thanks, Rhodey. Let's move, team. Rogue's in trouble.

Special Operations - Apocalypse: Mission 3 - Rumble of Distant Hooves (Wakanda)[]

Mission Start[]

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Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
The Horseman of War has come to Wakanda.

Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
That's why we're here, T'Challa.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
It appears that Sentinels have come to seize this Horseman as well, and while Sentinels roam Wakanda, no mutant is safe.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
We'll handle the Sentinels, and we'll handle X-23. Least we can do.

Havok Icon 1
I'll set up a perimeter and engage Sentinels as I find them. X-23 was never known for patience. She'll strike sooner rather than later.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Then we will be ready sooner rather than later.

Boss - War[]

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Maria Hill:
Maria Hill Dialogue
X-23 is attacking! She just shredded a pair of Sentinels and now she's going through the Wakandan army.

Rhodey, engage immediately. There's going to be a massacre out there.

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Oh, no, there isn't.


They call you War Machine. Let's see if you're worthy of the word War. I don't think you are.

Real war is not fought with machines. Real war is fought face to face, with the smell of the enemy's blood in your nose and the red of it on your hands.

War Icon

War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Being a Horseman has made you a little bit grandiose, girl. Let's see you back it up.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
Here's a little message for you to take back to Apocalypse.


War Machine:
War Machine Icon 1
She's gone. I hit her with everything I had and she didn't stay down.

Black Panther:
Black Panther Icon 1
Apocalypse is calling all of the Horsemen together. He showed us their individual strength. Now he will up the stakes and force us to face them as a group.

As soon as the Sentinel threat is fully quelled, I will join you in the fight against Apocalypse.
