Winter Soldier has the following Team-Up Bonuses:
Team-Up Bonuses
- Assemble!: Any pair of core Avengers members
- Average Joes: Heroes without superpowers or supersuits
- Bombs Away: Heroes that use grenades or mines
- Cool and Collected: Heroes whose names reference ice
- Fellow Travelers: Black Widow and Winter Soldier
- First Day On The Job: Beetle and Winter Soldier
- Fully Armed: Heroes with an arsenal of weapons
- Invaders: Heroes that were in the Invaders
- Man On The Wall: Winter Soldier and Quake
- Martial Arts Masters: Heroes who are known to be proficient with martial arts
- Natural Born Killers: Heroes who are known for assassinations
- Newly Assembled: Members who have recently joined the Avengers
- Orphanage: Orphaned Heroes
- Passing the Torch: Heroes that took on another Hero's mantle
- Patriots: Heroes who feels a strong support for his or her country
- Pro-Precog: Characters for Precognitive Justice
- Proud To Serve: Heroes who are military veterans
- Red in the Ledger: Heroes who started their careers as villains
- Shield Bearers: Heroes who have been Captain America
- Street Level: Heroes who fight in the street
- Tiny Transistors: Cybernetic heroes
- War Buddies: Heroes that fought in World War II together
All Possible Team-Ups
50 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
Beast | Assemble! | |
Bishop | Tiny Transistors | |
Cyclops | Orphanage | |
Electro | Red in the Ledger | |
Fandral | Pro-Precog | |
Gorgon | Pro-Precog | |
Groot | Red in the Ledger | |
Hank Pym | Assemble! | |
Havok | Newly Assembled | |
Heimdall | Pro-Precog | |
Hercules | Assemble! | |
Human Torch | Pro-Precog | |
Iceman | Cool and Collected | |
Juggernaut | Red in the Ledger | |
Kitty Pryde | Martial Arts Masters | |
Knight America | Shield Bearers | |
Magneto | Red in the Ledger | |
Mr. Fantastic | Pro-Precog | |
Nico Minoru | Orphanage | |
Nightcrawler | Orphanage | |
Phyla-Vell | Passing the Torch | |
Sabretooth | Red in the Ledger | |
Shatterstar | Orphanage | |
She-Hulk | Assemble! | |
Sif | Pro-Precog | |
Spider-Gwen | Street Level | |
Storm | Newly Assembled | |
Thane | Pro-Precog | |
Thing | Newly Assembled | |
Thor (Jane Foster) | Passing the Torch | |
Valkyrie | Pro-Precog | |
Volstagg | Pro-Precog | |
Wasp | Assemble! |
100 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
Baron Mordo | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Cable | Orphanage, Tiny Transistors | |
Cannonball | Assemble!, Red in the Ledger | |
Captain Britain | Patriots, Pro-Precog | |
Cloak and Dagger | Pro-Precog, Street Level | |
Constrictor | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Crystal | Assemble!, Pro-Precog | |
Daredevil | Martial Arts Masters, Street Level | |
Deadpool | Fully Armed, Natural Born Killers | |
Death Locket | Fully Armed, Street Level | |
Destroyer | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Doctor Voodoo | Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog | |
Domino | Bombs Away, Fully Armed | |
Emma Frost | Cool and Collected, Red in the Ledger | |
Enchantress | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Faiza Hussain | Patriots, Pro-Precog | |
Gambit | Bombs Away, Red in the Ledger | |
Gamora | Natural Born Killers, Red in the Ledger | |
Hogun | Orphanage, Pro-Precog | |
Hulk | Assemble!, Pro-Precog | |
Iron Man | Assemble!, Fully Armed | |
Ka-Zar | Average Joes, Orphanage | |
Kamala Khan | Passing the Torch, Street Level | |
Karolina Dean | Orphanage, Pro-Precog | |
Lizard | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Luke Cage | Newly Assembled, Street Level | |
Mantis | Assemble!, Martial Arts Masters | |
Medusa | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Molly Hayes | Orphanage, Pro-Precog | |
Moonstone | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Morbius | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Nova | Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog | |
Psylocke | Martial Arts Masters, Natural Born Killers | |
Quicksilver | Assemble!, Red in the Ledger | |
Satana | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Shocker | Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Silk | Pro-Precog, Street Level | |
Spider-Girl | Orphanage, Street Level | |
Spider-Man 2099 | Passing the Torch, Street Level | |
Spider-Man Noir | Natural Born Killers, Street Level | |
Spider-Woman | Newly Assembled, Red in the Ledger | |
Taskmaster | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Thor | Assemble!, Pro-Precog | |
Thundra | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Tigra | Assemble!, Pro-Precog | |
Ultimate Spider-Man | Pro-Precog, Street Level | |
X-23 | Natural Born Killers, Passing the Torch |
150 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
A-Bomb | Assemble!, Orphanage, Pro-Precog | |
Agent Venom | Fully Armed, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve | |
Amazing Spider-Woman | Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog, Street Level | |
Anti-Venom | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Ares | Assemble!, Fully Armed, Newly Assembled | |
Avalanche | Cool and Collected, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Beta Ray Bill | Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve, Tiny Transistors | |
Black Cat | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Black Knight | Assemble!, Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog | |
Black Panther | Assemble!, Average Joes, Martial Arts Masters | |
Blade | Orphanage, Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog | |
Blizzard | Cool and Collected, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Blue Marvel | Assemble!, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve | |
Cammi | Average Joes, Bombs Away, Fully Armed | |
Chase Stein | Average Joes, Fully Armed, Orphanage | |
Colleen Wing | Average Joes, Martial Arts Masters, Street Level | |
Dr. Strange | Newly Assembled, Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog | |
Elsa Bloodstone | Fully Armed, Passing the Torch, Street Level | |
Hellcat | Assemble!, Average Joes, Street Level | |
Hybrid | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Hyperion | Assemble!, Orphanage, Pro-Precog | |
Iron Fist | Martial Arts Masters, Newly Assembled, Street Level | |
Jessica Jones | Newly Assembled, Orphanage, Street Level | |
Karnak | Average Joes, Martial Arts Masters, Pro-Precog | |
Kraven the Hunter | Fully Armed, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Loki | Orphanage, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Mockingbird | Assemble!, Average Joes, Martial Arts Masters | |
Moondragon | Assemble!, Martial Arts Masters, Red in the Ledger | |
Ms. Marvel | Assemble!, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve | |
Omega Sentinel | Fully Armed, Red in the Ledger, Tiny Transistors | |
Quake | Assemble!, Man On The Wall, Orphanage | |
Rocket Raccoon | Average Joes, Fully Armed, Proud To Serve | |
Rogue | Newly Assembled, Orphanage, Red in the Ledger | |
Sandman | Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Scarlet Witch | Assemble!, Passing the Torch, Red in the Ledger | |
Squirrel Girl | Assemble!, Martial Arts Masters, Newly Assembled | |
Star-Lord | Average Joes, Fully Armed, Orphanage | |
Sunfire | Assemble!, Patriots, Red in the Ledger | |
Victor Mancha | Orphanage, Pro-Precog, Tiny Transistors | |
War Machine | Fully Armed, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve | |
White Tiger | Orphanage, Passing the Torch, Street Level | |
Wonder Man | Assemble!, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger |
200 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
Angela | Fully Armed, Natural Born Killers, Orphanage, Pro-Precog | |
Beetle | First Day On The Job, Fully Armed, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Boomerang | Average Joes, Natural Born Killers, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Elektra | Average Joes, Martial Arts Masters, Natural Born Killers, Red in the Ledger | |
Howard the Duck | Average Joes, Fully Armed, Martial Arts Masters, Street Level | |
Kate Bishop | Assemble!, Average Joes, Passing the Torch, Street Level | |
Moon Knight | Assemble!, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve, Street Level | |
Red Hulk | Bombs Away, Newly Assembled, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve | |
Songbird | Newly Assembled, Red in the Ledger, Street Level, Tiny Transistors | |
Spider-Man | Newly Assembled, Orphanage, Pro-Precog, Street Level | |
Spiral | Fully Armed, Natural Born Killers, Red in the Ledger, Tiny Transistors | |
Superior Spider-Man | Fully Armed, Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Vision | Assemble!, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Tiny Transistors | |
Wolverine | Martial Arts Masters, Natural Born Killers, Newly Assembled, War Buddies |
250 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
Ant-Man | Newly Assembled, Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Street Level | |
Black Widow | Assemble!, Fellow Travelers, Martial Arts Masters, Natural Born Killers, Red in the Ledger | |
Fixer | Bombs Away, Fully Armed, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Tiny Transistors | |
Misty Knight | Fully Armed, Martial Arts Masters, Pro-Precog, Street Level, Tiny Transistors | |
Spitfire | Invaders, Patriots, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve, War Buddies |
300 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
Deathlok | Bombs Away, Fully Armed, Natural Born Killers, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve, Tiny Transistors | |
Falcon | Assemble!, Average Joes, Passing the Torch, Proud To Serve, Shield Bearers, Street Level | |
Hawkeye | Assemble!, Average Joes, Orphanage, Passing the Torch, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger | |
Union Jack | Average Joes, Invaders, Patriots, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve, War Buddies |
350 Point Team-Ups
Hero Icon | Hero Name | Team-Up Bonus |
Captain America | Assemble!, Invaders, Patriots, Pro-Precog, Proud To Serve, Shield Bearers, War Buddies | |
Punisher | Average Joes, Bombs Away, Fully Armed, Natural Born Killers, Pro-Precog, Red in the Ledger, Street Level |
400 Point Team-Ups
450 Point Team-Ups